Truck & Driver Summer 2019^3
Welcome to our Summer edition! As
we publish every four weeks, there
are 13 issues annually instead of 12.
We have a treat for you too, as once
again we’ve been able to increase
the page count to 116, so you get
more features – including the Smokey
and the Bandit Kenworth replica. I actually wrote that for
stablemate Commercial Motor last summer; many of you
probably never got to see the feature first time around. I
don’t know about you, but I wonder if my life would have
turned out differently had I not seen the film when I was
five years old; between that, The Dukes of Hazzard, Convoy
and Smokey and the Bandit II, what chance did we have?
Time moves on, the era of car and truck films is over.
As is spending summer holidays in the truck with your
dad (mostly, anyway). Nothing lasts forever but it’s a shame;
truck culture and first-hand experience get people into
trucks at a young age. Start young and it gets in your blood.
Trying to attract people – not just youngsters – to drive
trucks who have no interest in them will always be more
difficult. This job is a million times better if you actually
like trucks and driving. Many youngsters these days want
to be YouTubers; that is, people who create their own
video content and post it on the popular internet site.
Some people are enormously successful at this and can
earn a living from it. What you’ll notice if you have a look
is that there is a growing number of truck drivers who are
creating their own content, and I think that’s a very
under-utilised medium for getting new blood into the
industry. People who are out there, doing it for real.
The driver of our cover truck this month – I’m delighted
to have a big-power MAN TGX for Editor’s Choice – is
Scott Lewis, who has his own YouTube channel. It’s a
completely honest account of the thrills and spills, good
days and bad of a young truck driver learning his trade.
Lastly, we are presenting the Life on the Road Awards at
Convoy in the Park at Donington Park on 10/11 August.
This is all about giving something back to you, the
drivers, for your hard work and going
above and beyond the call of duty.
Please check it out and put in a
nomination if you think you know
someone worthy – maybe yourself?!
Editor Dougie Rankine – 020 8912 2131; [email protected] Deputy editor Chris Turner
Subscription enquiries 0330 333 9544; [email protected];
Display sales Barnaby Goodman-Smith – 020 8912 2128; [email protected]
Contact our Classified sales team on: 020 8912 2120 Advertising production Lin Blagrove – 020 8912 2145
Editor in chief – Road, DVV Media Christopher Walton Contributors Numa Randell (art/design) Main cover image Tom Cunningham