International Kung Fu Magazine – July 2019

(sharon) #1

In 2005 Paolo Biotti won the Team immobilization competitions for the training of SWAT with C.a.t.i.
by Marcos Do Val, instructor of special team of the SWAT Police in United States. “Training is funda-
mental in Law Enforcement, which is why I have always been a promoter of self-defense system for
them, to protect without causing any injures and look after policemen and human rights at the
same time.”
Paolo Biotti, whose daily business, inherited from his great-grandfather a very well know merchant
banker in Paris, is to be an Advisor for corporate operations of Mergers and Acquisitions, begins
to seriously practice sport since his childhood. His real name is Paolo Emilio Biotti, because of his
grandmother’s brotherEmilio Polli, one of the first italian champions in the history of swimming,
he has been 25 times Italian champion and an Olympic athlete. Paolo Biotti has been swimming
since his childhood, from the age of 5 he swam also in the winter time, sometimes at 6 o’clock in
the morning too.

Emilio Polli, legend of the history of Italian swimming
and first coach of Paolo Emilio Biotti, Milano, 1930

His father Johnny, son of Carlo Biotti, judge President of the Court of Milan and board member
of the Milan soccer team, was a Ju-Jitsu instructor and maximum security advisor for the Italian
Government, when he introduced his son Paolo Biotti to the martial arts world, at the time he was
only 4 years old, so he approached Karate at first with the manager of an important Japanese
industrial group, friends of his family, who arrived in Italy in the seventies, and after that in the Dojo
CSK of Master Io Shirai.
He force his parents to choose a private school where he could dress the judogi during class and
go to the school basement to practice Judo. But Paolo Biotti loves the real and total combat, the
Semi Contact tournaments too, but for him that kind of fight had too many limitations, his theory
was that there is no style stronger than another style but a man stronger than another man.
The fight should not have had too many limitations, basically he was looking for what have now
as become the MMA.
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