Reader\'s Digest Australia - 05.2019

(Joyce) #1
May• 2019 | 137


Word Power



Viking Quest

The following words are related to terms from Old Norse,
the language of the Vikings. Choose the correct definitions to
win glory, and perhaps a place at Valhalla.

1.berserk– A: spear with feathers.
B: frenzied with rage or excitement.
C: thatched hut.

2 .cleg– A: horsefly.
B: ship’s prow. C: shoe.

3.knout– A: round hill. B: whip used
for punishment. C: bear’s nose.

4.scathe– A: crescent-shaped
harvesting tool. B: criticise severely.
C: scratch with vigour.

5.irk– A: goblin. B: annoy.
C: small knife.

6.geyser– A: flowering vine.
B: rolling iceberg. C: spring that
shoots hot water and steam.

7.dastard– A: sneaking coward.
B: blunt sword. C: old horse.

8.dregs– A: netted sea creatures.
B: sediments at the bottom of a

liquid. C: water that collects in a
s h i p’s b i l g e.
9.windlass– A: sail.
B: shield-maiden. C: winch.
10.kirtle– A: dress or petticoat.
B: helmet. C: sunken firepit.
11.skate– A: bonfire. B: ship’s mast.
C: large diamond-shaped fish.
12.haggle– A: sheep’s stomach.
B: ragged shirt.
C: bargain persistently.
13.blunder– A: clumsy mistake.
B: short sword. C: battle tactic.
14.girth– A: large island.
B: topographical map.
C: measurement around the middle.
15.mazer– A: primitive compass.
B: wooden drinking bowl.
C: benign sorcerer.
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