102 | June• 2019
FISHThe sight of fish falling from
the sky, though certainly bizarre, is
not uncommon and there’s a per-
fectly scientific explanation for it. In
coastal areas, stormy weather can
create a waterspout, a tornado-like
phenomenon that can actually suck
marine life out of water such as lakes
and oceans. The wind will then car-
ry the fish inland, where they’ll come
tumbling to the ground. It’s been
documented every where from Sri
Lanka to Australia to Mexico and as
recently as 2017.
that have Fallen
from the Sky
These unnatural forms of precipitation put the
phrase ‘it’s raining cats and dogs’ to shame
FROGS Also falling victim to
waterspouts are frogs, which surprise
land-dwellers when they fall from the
sky. There are reports, both ancient
and modern, of frogs and toads tum-
bling from the heavens. Ancient Greek
philosopher Heraclides Lembus wrote
about instances when so many frogs
rained from the sky that “the houses
and the roads have been full of them,”
and in 2005, residents of Odzaci, Ser-
bia, saw thousands of tiny frogs fall
from storm clouds. Once landed, the
frogs hopped away to look for water.