Reader\'s Digest Australia - 06.2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


130 | June• 2019

Going Back
Munjed Al Muderis
with Patrick Weaver

Orthopaedic surgeon
Munjed Al Muderis told
of fleeing Saddam
Hussein’s Iraq in his
memoir Walking Free.
He resumes his story
by focusing on his
life-changing surgical
technique which is
transforming the lives
of Australian civilians,
survivors of the
earthquake and British
soldiers. Invited back to
Iraq 18 years after he
escaped, he is helping
amputees wounded in
the war against ISIS.
This fascinating medical
journey involves doing
good and paying it

Outer Order Inner Calm
Gretchen Rubin HACHETTE
Happiness guru Gretchen Rubin is an expert
on what it takes to feel elated with your life
(most of the time, at least). And for her,
decluttering is the key to everyday peace
as it allows us to make more room for
happiness. When we look at our belongings,
Rubin wants us to
ask, ‘Do I need it?
Do I love it? Do I
use it?’ This is a
great and not so
subtle gift book for
that person in your
life who tends to
love mess. It’s also
a really easy and
fun read if you need
a boost to get on
track with more
than 150 ideas to
help you kick the

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