14 | June• 2019
would reconnect for the calf’s much
needed breast-feed and reassuring
The feeling of togetherness, love
and protection will stay with me
forever. For the calf, navigating
was like negotiating a spaghetti
junction in a
major city. Yet this
youngster had all the
equipment to ensure
its survival, including
a sonar auditory
system and the
ability to recognise
its mother’s ‘voice’. It
soon linked up with
its mother, despite
the chaos and trauma
for the pod.
The human team
joined hands to stop
the whales from
turning back and
restranding, forcing
them to move into
deeper water to
regroup. As the number of rescued
whales grew, we could see water
spouting and increasing activity from
the pod. We all watched with huge
satisfaction as this group slowly swam
into the middle of the Golden Bay
before heading out to the open sea.
dozens of other rescuers. We were a
mix of men and women, teens and
seniors, and from a wide variety of
Golden Bay roughly doubles its
population in summer and there
are hundreds of people who are
happy to help out in
an emergency. The
whales were starting
to make deep throaty
noises as the water
began to envelop
them and make their
huge bodies buoyant
again. The excited
anticipation of both
parties was palpable.
I will never forget
the squeaking sound
- known as a whistle
and pulse call – of
a young whale that
was trying to find its
No doubt there
was an element
of panic in the calf’s frantic
swimming to and fro. We were told
by the trainers, who were there
directing the rescue, not to touch
this youngster as it desperately
searched for its mother among the
Its mother couldn’t move as
there was a log-jam of humans and
whales. We were assured that the
young whale would recognise its
mother’s call and eventually they
Do you have a tale to tell? We’ll pay
cash for any original and unpublished
story we print. See page 5 for details
on how to contribute.
The feeling of
togetherness, love
and protection will
stay with me