June• 2019 | 23
World of Medicine
Staying Hydrated Prevents
Bladder Infections
Approximately half of all women
experience urinary-tract infections.
A 2018 trial enrolled Bulgarian
subjects who had a history of
repeated bladder infections and who
normally drank less than 1.5 litres
of fluid per day. Half of them were
asked to add an additional 1.5 litres
of water to their usual daily intake.
Over the following year, this group
had only around half the number of
infections compared to the women
who continued with their previous
habits. The scientists speculated that
fluids flush bacteria and hamper
their ability to attach to the bladder.
Losing Weight May
Reverse Arterial
Encouraging new
evidence from Australia
shows that people who
have arterial fibrillation
(AF) may be able to
reverse the progression
of the heart condition by
adjusting lifestyle factors
and shedding excess weight.
In a s tudy of patients with a body
mass index of 27 or higher, the
majority of those who lost ten per
cent or more of their body weight
went from persistent AF to shorter-
term episodes – or even stopped
experiencing an irregular heart
rhythm altogether.
Antibiotics Can Replace
Appendicitis Surgery
If you have abdominal pain that
gradually grows severe, see a doctor
as soon as possible. It could be
appendicitis (an inflamed appendix),
a dangerous problem that requires
treatment. If you catch it before
your appendix ruptures or causes
other complications, you may not
need surgery, according to a
Finnish trial published
in the peer-reviewed
medical journalJAMA.
It tracked 257 people
with uncomplicated
appendicitis who took
antibiotics for ten
days. Over the next five
years, only 100 of them
wound up getting their
PHOTO: ADAM VOORHES appendix removed.