Reader\'s Digest Australia - 06.2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

All in a Day’s Work


92 | June• 2019

The Nutty Professor
Award Goes To ...”

about the patient’s feelings and not let
my que asiness show.
That a ll changed when he turned
to me, scrunched his nose, and said,
“God, you’ve got bad breath!”
An anonymous nurse, on


Nursing can be a dirty business, as
I dis covered while helping my grumpy
patient change his colostomy bag.
You can imagine the smell. Still, I
soldiered on, telling myself to think

nCHEMISTRYThree Portuguese
researchers for measuring the
degree to which human saliva is
a good cleaning agent for dirty
nNUTRITIONA lecturer at
England’s University of Brighton
for calculating that
the c aloric intake from a human-
cannibalism diet is significantly
lower than the caloric intake
from most other traditional
meat diets.

The Ig Nobel Prize is a tongue-in-cheek
award given each year to actual research
projects that seem – well, silly. The winners
are published in a humorous periodical,
Annals of Improbable Research.

in Canada and the US for
investigating whether it is
effective for employees to use
voodoo dolls to retaliate
against a busive bosses. (Their
finding: it is!)
nBIOLOGYResearchers in
Sweden, Colombia and Germany
for demonstrating that wine
experts can reliably identify, by
smell, the presence of a single fly
in a glass of wine.
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