
(singke) #1


id you ever have
that lost-at-school
dream? You know,
the one where
you’re in the
crowded hallway with every-
one rushing to their next class
— except you can’t remember
where you’re supposed to go?
Another common dream of
that type finds you on a city
street, where for some unex-
plained reason, you’re stark
naked. You keep hiding behind
cars, darting from doorway to
doorway, trying to get home
without being seen.
My actor friends tell me they
have recurring dreams where
the curtain rises and they have
no idea what they’re supposed
to say. The very worst for me, as
a 2,100-hour pilot, is that I
glance out the window of my
small four-seater, and there’s an
enormous airport beneath me.
Such airports are always con-
trolled, meaning I’m supposed
to be talking to the tower using
a specific frequency. Except I’m
not. I f lew here accidentally; I
don’t even know what airport it
is, with no way to find the right
frequency. So I’m screwed.
They’ll get my tail number
using binoculars, and I’ll lose
my license.
In dreams like these, the
dreamer has forgotten what they
were supposed to be doing or is
doing something notably wrong,
while everyone else is getting it
right. My question: What are
the “school dreams” of profes-
sional astronomers? My guess is
that they’d be revelatory.
I can easily guess the night-
mares of aerospace engineers.
Imagine working for


School dreams

in space

Perkin-Elmer’s Danbury
Optical System unit — the
world’s most prestigious
optical firm — in 1981. Their
telescopes were of legendary
quality, and they were awarded
the contract for the Hubble
Space Telescope. It had to be
the finest 94-inch (2.4 meters)
mirror ever made.
Imagine you’re in charge.
When the mirror is done, you
test it, and it looks perfect.
Except it isn’t. It has a serious
spherical aberration. You used
your most sophisticated testing
device, a ref lective null correc-
tor, but it was, itself, misaligned.
End result: Your telescope
blasted into space with a blurry-
image mirror, and your com-
pany’s reputation spirals so
deeply down the toilet, it’s sold
within a month of the Hubble
launch and pays a $15 million

fine. Definitely a nightmare
come true.
Or say you’re in charge of
some of the Apollo mission
preparations. Your forklift guy
drops an oxygen canister, and
here’s where you mess up. You
check it out, it seems OK with
just a scratch on the tank, so
you label it as “fine.” But a year
later, it blows up halfway to the
Moon, scrubbing the billion-
dollar mission and very nearly
killing the three astronauts.
Of course, those things really
happened. As for actual night-
mares, I’d rather not guess. To
find out for sure, I contacted a

few astrophysicists I know and
sent them this article up to this
point, then asked them to
kindly tell me their most recur-
rent astro-nightmare. To my
surprise, Debbie Elmegreen,
president of the International
Astronomical Union, said nei-
ther she nor her astronomer
husband Bruce Elmegreen has
ever even had an astronomy
dream. So I decided not to be
selective, but to go with the very
first response, which came from
Matt Francis, director of the
Prescott Observatory in Arizona

and formerly an electron
microscopist. I quickly realized
that it was his former profession
that undoubtedly provided his
nightmare’s storyline.
“A few years ago, my arthritic
shoulder pain was acting up and
causing me to lose sleep,” he
wrote. “I was also doing some
pretty intense reading about the
standard model of particle phys-
ics at the time. [My wife] Debbie
suggested I have a peanut butter
cookie she made with butter
containing a special ingredient
common nowadays here in
Colorado, which her sister had
given her to help me sleep. I

took one single bite from the
cookie and went to bed.
“Later that night, I dreamed I
was a free electron. From my
perspective as an electron, I
could sense I was moving at
great speed toward what
appeared to be a large collection
of silver spheres, which in the
dream I knew to be atomic
nuclei that were attracting me,
pulling me in. They were even
making a sound: a faster and
more frenzied version of the
static made by a TV when it’s
tuned to a channel that is not
broadcasting. I could feel myself
being pulled toward those sil-
very spheres with no control.
“When I entered the chaotic,
vibrating collection of atoms,
I was violently yanked one way
and then another for what
seemed like a long time.
The static sound was unpleas-
antly loud. When I jumped
awake in a panic, I immediately
became sick from the motion
and utilized a small trash can
near my bed.”
Hmm, well, thanks for that,
Matt. On second thought, maybe
this dream business wasn’t the
best idea for a science column.
Forget the whole thing.

What is an astronomer’s
biggest nightmare?

BROWSE THE “STRANGE UNIVERSE” ARCHIVE AT http://www.Astronomy.com/Berman.

Hubble’s first images revealed a critical flaw in its mirror that required a shuttle
servicing mission and an entire engineering rig to correct. Prior to repairs in 1993,
the mirror produced blurry images that were a severe disappointment, such as
the shot of M100 on the left. The corrected mirror revealed crisp detail, at right. NASA

The “school dreams” of professional
astronomers might be revelatory.

Join me and Pulse of the Planet’s
Jim Metzner in my new podcast,
Astounding Universe, at
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