
(singke) #1



xcept for Ursa Major,
Leo the Lion is the
most easily recogniz-
able constellation of
the northern spring
sky. Brilliant Regulus, the
Lion’s heart, first draws our
attention to the celestial king of
the beasts. His head and body
are framed by a distinctive
curve of stars resembling a
backward question mark or
a farmer’s sickle, and a large
triangle of stars to its east.
Regulus [A lpha (α) Leonis]
marks the handle end of the
Sickle asterism. Nicolas
Copernicus is credited with
naming this star Regulus, mean-
ing “Little King” in Latin,
although he was not the first to
refer to it as kingly. Many
ancient cultures — including the
Arabians, Babylonians, and the
Akkadians of Mesopotamia —
also viewed it as celestial royalty.
Regulus is a quadruple-star
system. The bright star we see is
a blue-white, spectral type B
main sequence star, orbited by a
white dwarf companion that has
never been observed directly.
Through binoculars, however,
we can see the system’s third
member, an 8th-magnitude
point nearly 3' from the brilliant
primary sun if the latter is

moved out of the field. This star
is itself a binary system, but see-
ing its companion is restricted
to large amateur telescopes.
Next, try your luck with
R Leonis, a long-period, red
giant variable star that’s perfect
for binoculars. The American
Association of Variable Star
Observers (AAVSO) says that
R Leonis is the most widely
observed variable in the
northern spring sky.
One reason for that is its
location, only about 6° west of
Regulus and just south of 19
Leonis. Over the course of 312
days, R Leonis f luctuates from
magnitude 5.8 to 10.0, and back
again. That’s bright enough to
watch through most binoculars
across its full cycle.
It’s fun to trace the changes
in brightness over several weeks
and months. By comparing its
brightness to that of nearby
stars that don’t vary, you can
create your own light curve,
which plots the changes in
brightness over time. To do
that, you’ll need an accurate
chart of the area. You can create
your own using the AAVSO’s
online Variable Star Plotter at
Right now, R Leonis is on a
downward slide, having reached

peak brightness in February.
But thanks to its bright range
and strong reddish glow, R
Leonis is sure to become one of
your seasonal favorites. R Leo
will remain visible in the eve-
ning until early June and then
return to the early morning sky
by mid-September.
The barred spiral galaxy
NGC 2903 is one of the bright-
est and largest galaxies in the
spring sky. Yet Messier and his
contemporaries missed it, even
though it would have been vis-
ible in their telescopes. Instead,
its discovery was left to William
Herschel, who first spotted it
November 16, 1784.
To find NGC 2903, trace the
Sickle to Epsilon (ε) Leonis at
the “tip,” and then glance west
with your binoculars to 4th-
magnitude Lambda (λ) Leonis.
Centering on Lambda, shift
your attention 1.5°, or about a
quarter of a field, due south.
Can you make out a faint oval
disk of grayish light highlighted
by a brighter central core?
That’s the galaxy.
When we look toward
NGC 2903, we are seeing a near
twin of the Milky Way from 20
million light-years away. Both
galaxies show pronounced bars
extending from their central
cores, with gently wrapping
arms curving away from the
ends. The arms of NGC 2903,
invisible through binoculars
owing to their faintness, curve
more casually than those of our
Milky Way.
Finally this month, we leave
Leo behind and head north to

his little brother, Leo Minor.
While there isn’t much to see
here by eye or binoculars, we do
have one port of call that makes
a fun diversion. In 1988, Ohio
amateur astronomer Dan
Hudak wrote a letter that
appeared in that summer’s issue
of Deep Sky magazine, describ-
ing an asterism measuring
about half a degree across that
looked like a celestial sailboat.
Although he found the Sailboat
using a telescope, it’s also faintly
visible through binoculars.
Begin at Mu (μ) Leonis, the
northern point of Leo’s Sickle.
Scan northeastward for 7°,
crossing Leo and Leo Minor’s
shared border, until you arrive
at 6th-magnitude 22 Leonis
Minoris. That star marks the
boat’s bow. Four 7th- and 8th-
magnitude stars in a trapezoid
west of 22 LMi outline the deck
and hull, while 8th-magnitude
SAO 61926 marks the stern.
The tall mast is formed by
three stars, ending at SAO

  1. Be aware that through
    binoculars, the Sailboat seems
    to have capsized, as its mast
    points toward the south.
    I’d enjoy hearing about
    your favorite binocular objects,
    and possibly featuring them
    in future columns. Contact
    me through my website,
    philharrington.net. Until next
    month, remember that two
    eyes are better than one.

Into the Lion’s den

Check out these bright treasures of the constellation Leo.

Regulus, the brightest star in Leo, is an intensely luminous blue-white B-type star that
hides a multiple system orbiting around it. JOHN CHUMACK

The beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 2903 in Leo is visible in binoculars as an oval smear of
light, its photons having traveled 20 million light-years across intergalactic space.

Phil Harrington is a longtime
contributor to Astronomy and
the author of many books.


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