British GQ - 09.2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

n paper, there’s not much to suggest that the exper-
iment should be the first step towards humanity’s
destruction. High over the New Mexico desert, a
repurposed balloon similar to those used by Nasa will float
to an altitude of about 20km and release a payload. Scientific
balloons can lift up to 3,600kg – the weight of three small
cars – but in this instance, the cargo will be minuscule by
comparison: first, a small volume of water, then, on a later
trip, sulphates. The goal? To increase the density of parti-
cles in the clouds below, making them more reflective and
bouncing solar radiation back into space. In other words, to
dim the sun. Proponents of the experiment suggest it might
be the first step in developing technology that could save
the lives of tens of millions. Its detractors, however, predict
it could kill or displace just as many.
The experiment, known as Scopex (Stratospheric Controlled
Perturbation Experiment) is being designed by scientists at
Harvard and is awaiting review from an external advisory
committee before it launches its first-phase $3 million
(£2.3m) test. With financial backing from Bill Gates, it will
be one of the first real-life experiments to emerge from the
untested field of geoengineering – the sketchy science of
deliberately interfering with the earth’s climate. Ever since
it became apparent that perilously little action was being
taken to reduce global carbon emissions, a growing number
of scientists around the world have advocated opening the
Pandora’s Box that is man-made climate intervention. And
Harvard’s not the only institution getting involved; in March,
Cambridge University announced a proposed Centre For
Climate Repair, headed by the chief scientific advisor to three
British governments, Professor Sir David King, to look into
radical ways to blunt the now-inevitable climate catastrophe.
These solutions typically range from the noncontro-
versial (technically, reforestation counts as man-made
climate intervention) to the radical – “greening the ocean”

Story by Thomas Barrie


by dumping tonnes of iron filings, to spur the growth of
phytoplankton, or sprinkling billions of silica beads over a
Belgium-sized section of the Arctic, to make the ice more
reflective. Somewhere in the middle of the spectrum falls
solar radiation management (SRM, or cloud brightening),
the Scopex approach, which might just be the most feasible.


y no means is there consensus on how brightening
should, or could, be done. King opposes the release of
stratospheric sulphates as anything but a last resort,
because they might damage the tentative recovery of the
ozone layer, but he is keener on a similar alternative: marine
cloud brightening (MCB). First conceived by the physicist
John Latham in the early noughties, MCB proposes spray-
ing a super-fine mist of seawater into the air over the ocean
to increase cloud density – a natural, cheaper and mobile
alternative. Professor Stephen Salter of the University Of
Edinburgh, who worked with Latham, estimates that for
around £90m per annum, a fleet of autonomous “spray
vessels” built to his design could sail across the oceans where
needed, sucking saltwater out of the sea and spraying it sky-
wards to increase cloud density. Kelly Wanser, whose NGO
Silver Lining advocates for cloud brightening, claims that a
total increase of one per cent brightness could offset 2C of
warming. King, Salter and Wanser believe that the technology
could buy the world the 30-odd years needed to go fully
carbon neutral. “[It] could protect the coral reefs that are
dying,” says Wanser. “It could protect forests and ecosystems
and species that will otherwise be devastated by the heat.”
Despite the enthusiasm in the scientific community, Al
Gore has called geoengineering “delusional in the extreme”.
In 2010, the UN Convention On Biological Diversity
announced a moratorium on all large-scale geoengineering
experiments that could impact the environment.
Spearheading opposition to SRM is the ETC Group, a watch-
dog and pressure group that has released statements in the
past denouncing geoengineering as “a techno-fix” for climate
change. Its co-executive director, Jim Thomas, believes that
talk of man-made intervention “is a political strategy to try
to change the way in which the debates on climate change
happen”. The point, he says, is not whether SRM might work

  • he thinks it would – but that it distracts from real efforts
    to reduce carbon emissions and the knock-on effects would
    harm the globe’s poorest, whether through chance or design.
    What’s more, Thomas says, geoengineering has a history
    of military application dating back to the Vietnam War. He
    points to a massive project on the Tibetan Plateau named
    Sky River, which is being carried out by a Chinese aero-
    space contractor on behalf of the military and involves
    lighting thousands of industrial burners on contested ter-
    ritory to manipulate precipitation. At the moment, the
    geoengineering arms race is a metaphorical one between
    scientists, start-ups and philanthropists, but it’s not hard to
    see the military advantage of a technology that could cause
    a massive spike in rainfall, or indeed a targeted drought.
    Proponents of cloud brightening plead realpolitik, arguing
    that humanity has no alternative but to test them. “We
    don’t know yet whether or not these things are possibili-
    ties,” Wanser says. “If we don’t look at them fairly soon,
    then we won’t have these options available.” King agrees:
    “We have already destroyed our environment. We need
    these new technologies or, frankly, we are cooked.”

To STOP this, scientists

want to DIM THE SUN

It sounds like science fiction – and it’s certainly risky –
but it may be our best bet...

Dry run
During the
2008 Olympics,
the Chinese
used a similar
technique to
cloud brightening
to “seed” clouds
with silver iodide,
causing them to
burst before they
could rain on the
Olympic Village.

09-19DetailsFragrance.indd 73 09/07/2019 16:19

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