Good Health Choices New Zealand – August 2019

(Kiana) #1
Let’s be honest, sticking to the same
routine isn’t exactly the best way to
build confidence. Leaving your
hometown or country is an easy way
to get out of your comfort zone, as
you have to quickly adjust to a new
climate, culture, food and community.
Having so many new experiences and
engaging with different people each
day naturally lends itself to immense
personal growth, shaping you into a
more confident, courageous person.

Creative fire
A study in the Academy of
Management Journal looked
at the impact of foreign
experiences on the creativity
of fashion designers and found
that these experiences were
a catalyst for innovation.
Psychologist Adam Galinsky,
who has done several studies
on the connection between
travel and creativity, says that
the key factor for increasing
our cognitive functioning is
to be engaged with the local
cultural environment during
your trip. You can get artsy with
your travel photography, but
for the ultimate inspiration,
immerse yourself in the local
culture as much as you can. »

There is nothing quite like seeing a dream become a reality, and
ticking things off a bucket list often involves the crossing of borders.
Whether you’ve got your sights set on the Taj Mahal, Grand Canyon,
Northern Lights or Great Barrier Reef, having a dream come true
brings a deep sense of personal fulfilment, leaving us with beautiful
memories, stories and pictures to last a lifetime. If a getaway isn’t on
the cards any time soon, making a travel-themed vision board is a fun
way to get inspired and have something exciting to work towards.

Find yourself

If you’re at a crossroads in your life where you’re not sure what you
enjoy, what’s important to you or what direction to take, going on
an adventure and seeing how others live can help you figure out
how you want to live your own life. Sometimes, it’s just the act of
getting away from the hustle and bustle of daily life that allows
some time for much needed self-reflection.

be informed

be nourished

simply be

be energised

be inspired

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