JUL 24 – AUG 23
There’s a Leo New Moon and a Full Moon in your
Love Zone this month, so it’s full steam ahead for you.
Suggestions for how to use this energy: 1. Overhaul
yourself. Do you need a makeover? A wardrobe
freshen up? 2. What about a life course correction?
- Practise ‘out with the old and in the with the new’.
AUG 24 – SEP 23
After what has hopefully been a
happy and hectic few weeks, August
is time to go underground. The New
Moon is in the deepest and darkest part
of your chart. It’s the time to take a
moment to contemplate your navel and
your life. Just say “Ommm...” August 23
is when you start to re-emerge
back into the light.
SEP 24 – OCT 23
Got some good news for you, dear Libra!
The New Moon at the start of August is
in your Wishing Zone so make a list of
your dreams on the night of August 1.
If you have been having a rough time
of late and need some good times with
friends to make it right, that can
happen this month.
OCT 24 – NOV 22
The month kicks off with a New Moon
in your Career Zone, which is just what
you need to distract yourself from the
madness going on, since Uranus took
up residence in your opposite sign.
Moreover, the New Moon is making
harmonious connections galore, so think
about what you want for yourself
professionally, or take action. ILLUSTRATION
A time to let go
ugust 1 brings the New Moon in
Leo. August 30 brings the New
Moon in Virgo. So what does
it all mean? Here are a few pointers:
It means that in the month of August
we have two chances to set some
intentions and make some wishes.
It means that we have a chance to
work on how fabulous we are (at
the time of the New Moon in Leo)
and how dutiful we are too (at the
time of the New Moon in Virgo).
It means that the New Moon in
Virgo is officially called by the rather
mysterious name of a ‘Black Moon’.
Black Moons like this only happen
about once every 32 months.
Some people believe that a Black
Moon is a time when spells and rituals
are even more powerful and effective.
Others believe they are so powerful
they should not be messed with at all!
So what to do?
In my opinion, a Black Moon is just as
good a Moon as any for making wishes
and sending your intentions out into
the Universe – no more powerful and
no less. Why? Because think of it like
this: the Gregorian calendar we live by
was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII
in 1582 – in other words, it’s man-made.
The Moon is a part of nature. The fact
that two high-points of her current
Yasmin Boland reveals what your stars have in store for you this month