Shape Singapore – August 2019

(Elliott) #1

Shape Your Life Celebrity

“Finding yourself takes as long as it takes, and I’m still in
the process. It’s not as if I’m sitting in the lotus position
ready to dole out advice. Some days are still like, Whoa,
I just fell off this cliff again! But learning how to be
kind to yourself while you’re discovering who you are
is something I wish for everybody. Not having all the
answers, not knowing what to do, and making mistakes—
those aren’t reasons to beat yourself up.”

“Before I had my son, I sensed this pressure to fill my
schedule. If I wasn’t working, I felt like I was wasting time.
Now I know I have to build in breaks in my year, and there
are times when I’m just not available to work because it’s
important for me to be home with him.
“So I shop a lot less. I cook a lot more. I read a lot more. I
write a lot more. I communicate a lot more. I make more
time for the things that matter to me because suddenly I
have more time.”

“The thing is, with the low-plastic lifestyle, I really have to
choose what matters. I recently did a photo shoot with
crazy eye makeup and temporary eyelashes that got glued
under my real lashes. I couldn’t wait to get them off, but
then my makeup artist was like, ‘Oh, I don’t know how they
come off. You probably want to use an oil-based remover.’
“I got home and I had an old eye-makeup remover, but
it wasn’t oil based. So to avoid buying more products in
plastic containers, I used coconut oil, and it worked.
“I always have coconut oil because I use it for my body—I
find that a combination of coconut, jojoba, and shea butter
works great. But I can buy all that stuff in glass bottles,
and I can mix it up myself and then add essential oils. And
voilà, you don’t have to put plastic into the ocean because
of it.”
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