Shape Singapore – August 2019

(Elliott) #1

Get fit

Shape auGuSt / September 2019| Get fit | 65

The Plan
Do the exercises in a slow and controlled manner, resting 20 seconds
between each rep and set. Aim to complete 3 sets.

ToTal Time
About 30 minutes


if there’s one understated, super-sculpting
exercise tool we’d carry around for the rest
of our lives, it’s the trx.
these suspension trainers are so
handy for getting in any kind of workout
you want – whether you wish to blast fat,
sculpt muscles or strengthen your core.
in a nutshell, they give you the benefits of
strength training without needing you to lift
heavy weights or tackle big machines. plus,
they are insanely easy to set up.
at home, all you need is to make sure
there’s a reasonable amount of space to
move, that the ground is flat and non-slip,
and you have a door that opens away from
in the gym, you can probably find the
trx suspension trainer hanging from a
beam or pull-up bar. if not, ask a trainer to
mount it for you.
once that’s done, get ready for a ton
of fun. first, learn about the crazy amount
of exercises you can do. then, challenge
yourself with them – the moves aren’t as
easy as they look. they require a fair bit of
core strength and stability.
fitness trainer Sara may explains: “the
anti-gravity from suspension trainers
causes instability, forcing you to engage
your core muscles to ensure good balance
and technique throughout, even when
you’re working on your arms and legs.”
for a better idea of the benefits, try this
total-body workout designed by Sara. it
involves eight exercises – each targeting
different muscle groups – to sculpt your
body from every angle.
unlike most calorie-torching workouts
which emphasise speed and power, this
plan is all about slow and deliberate
movements. “the slower and more
controlled the manner you do the exercises,
the greater your core contraction,” says
Sara. and that means sexier abs.
So while this workout won’t leave
you huffing and puffing, your muscles
(especially the core) will go through a
prolonged burn – the kind that carves nice
muscles and fries stubborn fat. trust us,
you’ll want to do it over and over again.



Works quads

Strap lengthmedium repS 10

[A] Stand facing the trx with feet hip-width
apart. hold handles in front of chest, elbows
bent 90 degrees and palms facing each other.
Lean back slightly. [B] Lower body as though
you’re sitting on a chair, knees bent 90 degrees.
Keep weight on arms and heels. Straighten
knees and return to standing position.


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