Knit Now - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1

twice, k3tog, k1, yo, k1 tbl,
yo, k4, yo, k1 tbl, yo, k2,
sssk, k2.
Row 25: Ssk, k6, yo, k1 tbl, yo,
k5, sssk, [k11, yo, k1 tbl, yo,
k5, sssk] twice, k10, yo, k1
tbl, yo, k1, sssk, k2tog.
2 sts dec’d
Row 27: K8, yo, k1 tbl, yo, k4,
sssk, [k12, yo, k1 tbl, yo, k4,
sssk] twice, k16.
Row 29: Ssk, k7, yo, k1 tbl, yo,
k3, sssk, [k3tog, k7, yo, k1
tbl, yo, k2, yo, k1 tbl, yo, k3,
sssk] twice, k3tog, k7, yo, k1
tbl, yo, k3, k2tog. 2 sts dec’d
Row 31: K9, yo, k1 tbl, yo,
k2, sssk, [k3tog, k6, yo, k1
tbl, yo, k4, yo, k1 tbl, yo, k2,
sssk] twice, k3tog, k6, yo, k1
tbl, yo, k5.
Row 33: Ssk, k8, yo, k1 tbl, yo,
k1, sssk, [k3tog, k5, yo, k1
tbl, yo, k6, yo, k1 tbl, yo, k1,
sssk] twice, k3tog, k5, yo, k1
tbl, yo, k4, k2tog. 2 sts dec’d
Row 35: K14, [k3tog, k4, yo, k1
tbl, yo, k12] twice, k3tog, k4,
yo, k1 tbl, yo, k6.
Row 36 (WS): As Row 2.
These 36 rows form patt.

Start knitting...

Cast on
Place slipknot on needle so
tail can be pulled to close the
loop, make picot, cast on 3 sts,
make picot (base of spine
st), cast on 14 (23) sts, [make
picot, cast on 19 sts] twice,
make picot, cast on 13 (22) sts;
rep from
3 more times, make
picot (base of inal spine st),
cast on 4 sts, make picot.
287 (359) sts

Set-up Row 1 (RS): P1, [k1, p1]
twice, [k1 tbl (spine st), p68
(86)] 4 times, k1 tbl (spine
st), [p1, k1] twice, p1.
Set-up Row 2: P1, [k1, p1]
twice, [p1 tbl (spine st), p68
(86)] 4 times, p1 tbl (spine
st), [p1, k1] twice, p1.

Set chart
Next Row (RS): Work 5 sts
in Moss st as set, [k1 tbl
(spine st), work Row 1 of Patt

A (B) from chart or written
instructions] 4 times, k1 tbl
(spine st), work 5 sts in Moss
st as set.
All WS rows should be worked
as follows: Work 5 sts in Moss
st, [p1 tbl (spine st), purl in patt
to next spine st (working p tbl
for all spine sts and any other
twisted sts)] 4 times, p1 tbl
(spine st), work 5 sts in
Moss st.

Cont as set, work Patt A (B)
once in full. 19 (287) sts

Cont as set, work Patt A once in
full. 19 sts

Next Row (RS): Work 5 sts in
Moss st, [twisted-ssk] twice,
k1 tbl, [twisted-k2tog] twice,
k1 tbl, work in Moss st to
end. 15 sts
Next Row: Work 5 sts in Moss
st, [p1 tbl] 5 times, work in
Moss st to end.
Next Row: Work 5 sts in
Moss st, twisted-ssk, k1 tbl,
twisted-k2tog, work in Moss
st to end. 13 sts
Next Row: Work 5 sts in
Moss st, twisted-p3tog,
work in Moss st to
end. 11 sts

Break yarn, leaving a 30cm tail.
Using Moss Kitchener st (see
step-by-step guide on page
28), graft edge sts tog (5 on
each needle), then put tapestry
needle through rem centre st
from back to front then to back
again to catch and secure it.
Fasten off and weave in end.

Weave in any rem ends and wet
or steam block vigorously to
shape using wires and/or pins.
This means stretch the fabric
out so that the lace shows well,
at the same time maintaining
the shape of the shawl, and
pinning out each picot point
along the edge.

Pattern B

Pattern A


make picot: Cast on 4 sts,
then cast off 3 of these sts
and pass rem st back to LH
needle. 1 st inc’d
twisted-k2tog: Put RH needle
tip into back of second st on
LH needle and then into front
of irst st, knit these 2 sts tog
to form a right-leaning dec with
top st twisted. 1 st dec’d
twisted-ssk: Sl next st k-wise
tbl, sl second st k-wise
through front loop, knit
these 2 sts tog tbl to form
a left-leaning dec with top st
twisted. 1 st dec’d
sssk: Sl next 3 sts k-wise one
at a time, knit these 3 sts tog
tbl. 2 sts dec’d
k3tog: Knit 3 sts tog.
2 sts dec’d
twisted-p3tog: Sl next 3 sts
k-wise, then sl them back to
LH needle p-wise, p3tog.
2 sts dec’d


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