Knit Now - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1

With A, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] 10 times. 20 sts
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4: [K1, kfb] 10 times.
30 sts
Row 5: Purl.
Row 6: [K4, kfb] 6 times. 36 sts
Rows 7-13: Work 7 rows in
St st.
Row 14: K8, [k2tog] 10 times,
k8. 26 sts
Row 15: P2tog, p to last 2 sts,
p2tog. 24 sts
Change to C.
Row 16: K2tog, k to last 2 sts,
k2tog. 2 sts dec’d
Row 17: P2tog, p to last 2 sts,
p2tog. 2 sts dec’d
Rows 18-19: Rep rows 17-18.
16 sts
Rows 20-21: Work 2 rows in
St st.
Break yarn and thread through
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Make 2
With A, cast on 12 sts.
Row 1 (WS): [P2tog] 6 times.
6 sts

Break yarn and thread
through rem sts. Pull tight
to fasten.
Stitch both ends together to
make a semicircle.

Make 2
With A, cast on 15 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] 15 times. 30 sts
Rows 3-7: Starting with a p
row, work 5 rows in St st.
Row 8: K8, [k2tog] 7 times,
k8. 23 sts
Row 9: Purl.
Row 10: K8, k2tog, k3tog,
k2tog, k8. 19 sts
Row 11: Purl.
Row 12: K8, k3tog, k8.
17 sts
Rows 13-16: Work 4 rows in
St st.
Cast off.

Make 2
With A, cast on 14 sts.
Rows 1-11: Starting with a p
row, work 11 rows in St st.
Row 12 (RS): K2, [k2tog, k2]
3 times. 11 sts
Rows 13-20: Work 8 rows in
St st.
Break yarn and thread
through rem sts. Pull tight
to fasten.

With A, cast on 12 sts.
Starting with a p row, work 5
rows in St st.
Break yarn and thread
through rem sts. Pull tight
to fasten.

With cast-on yarn end of
Body, work a gathering
thread along cast-on edge
and draw tightly, sew seam
to neck edge. With fastened-
off yarn end, sew muzzle.
With cast-on yarn end, work
a gathering thread along
cast-on edge and draw
tightly. Sew Head a little
further, stuff and close seam.
Attach Ears. Attach eye
beads. With dark brown 4-ply,

embroider nose and mouth.
Seam each Leg and Arm, stuff
and attach them to Body. Seam
and stuff Tail. Attach Tail to
Body. Attach Head to Body.

Mummy Bear
With B, work as for Daddy Bear
to Row 4. 30 sts
Rows 5-9: Starting with a p row,
work 5 rows in St st.
Row 10 (RS): K5, [k1, kfb] 10
times, k5. 40 sts
Rows 11-23: Work 13 rows in
St st.
Row 24: K5, [k1, k2tog] 10
times, k5. 30 sts
Rows 25-29: Work 5 rows in
St st.
Row 30: K5, [k2tog] 10 times,
k5. 20 sts
Row 31: Purl.
Row 32: K5, [k2tog] 5 times,
k5. 15 sts
Cast off.

With B, work as for Daddy Bear
to Row 4. 30 sts
Rows 5-11: Starting with a p
row, work 7 rows in St st.
Row 12 (RS): K6, [k2tog] 9
times, k6. 21 sts
Row 13: Purl.
Change to C.
Row 14: K2tog, k to last 2 sts,
k2tog. 2 sts dec’d
Row 15: P2tog, p to last 2 sts,
p2tog. 2 sts dec’d
Rows 16-17: Rep rows 14-15.
13 sts
Row 18: Knit.
Break yarn and thread through
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Make 2
With B, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): [P2tog] 5 times.
5 sts
Break yarn and thread through
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.
Stitch both ends together to
make into a semicircle.

Make 2
With B, cast on 12 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] 12 times. 24 sts
Rows 3-7: Starting with a p row,
work 5 rows in St st.
Row 8: K7, [k2tog] 5 times, k7.
19 sts
Row 9: Purl.
Row 10: K7, k2tog, k1, k2tog,
k7. 17 sts
Row 11: Purl.
Row 12: K7, k3tog, k7. 15 sts
Rows 13-14: Work 2 rows in
St st.
Cast off.

Make 2
With B, cast on 12 sts.
Rows 1-9: Starting with a p row,
work 9 rows in St st.
Row 10 (RS): [K2, k2tog] 3
times. 9 sts
Rows 11-15: Work 5 rows in
St st.
Break yarn and thread through
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

With B, cast on 10 sts.
Starting with a p row, work 5
rows in St st.
Break yarn and thread through
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Sachi’s tip

Leave long ends at the
beginning and end for sewing

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