Knit Now - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1


Work as for Daddy Bear.

Baby Bear
With A, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] 10 times. 20 sts
Rows 3-7: Starting with a p row,
work 5 rows in St st.
Row 8: K5, [kfb] 10 times, k5.
30 sts
Rows 9-15: Work 7 rows in
St st.
Row 16: K5, [k2tog] 10 times,
k5. 20 sts
Rows 17-19: Work 3 rows in
St st.
Row 20: [K2tog] 10 times. 10 sts
Row 21: Purl.
Cast off.

With A, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] 10 times. 20 sts
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4: K2, [kfb, k2] 6 times.
26 sts
Rows 5-11: Starting with a p
row, work 7 rows in St st.
Row 12: K6, [k2tog] 7 times,
k6. 19 sts
Row 13: Purl.
Change to C.
Row 14: K2tog, k to last 2 sts,
k2tog. 2 sts dec’d
Row 15: P2tog, p to last 2 sts,
p2tog. 15 sts
Row 16: As Row 14. 13 sts
Rows 17-18: Work 2 rows in
St st.
Rows 19-23: Work 5 rows in
St st.
Break yarn and thread through
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Make 2
Row 1 (WS): [P2tog] 5 times.
5 sts
With A, cast on 10 sts.
Break yarn and thread through
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.
Stitch both ends together to
make into a semicircle.

Make 2
With A, cast on 9 sts.

Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] 9 times. 18 sts
Rows 3-5: Starting with a p row,
work 3 rows in St st.
Row 6: K5, [k2tog] 4 times, k5.
14 sts
Row 7: P5, [p2tog] twice, p5.
12 sts
Row 8: K5, k2tog, k5. 11 sts
Rows 9-10: Work 2 rows in
St st.
Cast off.

Make 2
With A, cast on 10 sts.
Rows 1-5: Starting with a p row,
work 5 rows in St st.
Row 6 (RS): K2, [k2tog, k2]
twice. 8 sts
Rows 7-11: Work 5 rows in
St st.
Break yarn and thread through
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

With A, cast on 10 sts.
Starting with a p row, work 3
rows in St st.
Break yarn and thread
through rem sts. Pull tight
to fasten.

Work as for Daddy Bear.

Body & Head
With D, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] 10 times. 20 sts
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4: K2, [kfb, k2] 6 times.
26 sts
Rows 5-11: Starting with a p
row, work 7 rows in St st.
Row 12: K2, [k2tog, k2] 6
times. 20 sts
Rows 13-17: Work 5 rows in
St st.
Row 18: [K2tog, k1] 6 times,
k2tog. 13 sts
Change to C.
Row 19: Purl.
Row 20: K1, [kfb] 11 times, k1.
24 sts
Rows 21-25: Work 5 rows in
St st.
Row 26 (eyeline): K5, [k2tog,
k1] 4 times, k2tog, k5. 19 sts

Rows 27-30: Work 4 rows in
St st.
Row 31: P1, [p2tog, p1] 6
times. 13 sts
Break yarn and thread through
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

With E, cast on 40 sts.
Rows 1-8: Starting with a k row,
work 8 rows in St st.
Row 9 (RS): [K2tog] 20 times.
20 sts
Cast off.

Make 2
With C, cast on 10 sts.
Starting with a p row, work 10
rows in St st.
Cast off.

Make 2
With D, cast on 10 sts.
Rows 1-3: Starting with a p row,
work 3 rows in St st.
Row 4 (RS, hem): Purl.
Change to C.
Row 5: P2tog, p to last 2 sts,
p2tog. 8 sts
Rows 6-12: Starting with a k
row, work 7 rows in St st.
Break yarn and thread through
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Make 2
With B, cast on 6 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] 6 times. 12 sts
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4 (edge): Purl.
Rows 5-7: Starting with a p row,
work 3 rows in St st.
Row 8: K4, [k2tog] twice, k4.
10 sts
Row 9: P4, p2tog, p4. 9 sts
Cast off.

With fastened-off yarn end, sew
head to neck. With cast-on yarn
end, work a gathering thread
along cast-on edge and draw
tightly. Sew Body a little further
and stuff, avoiding the neck
area. With C, work a gathering
thread along neck and draw
tightly. With the same yarn, work

a gathering thread over
eyeline and draw gently to
create a dent. Make a French
knot for the nose. Attach eye
beads. With dark brown 4-ply,
embroider mouth.
Seam and stuff each Leg. With
cast-on yarn end of Shoe, work
a gathering thread along cast-on
edge and sew rest of the base
seam. Stuff toe, encase leg
and secure Shoe to Leg with
sts all around. With B, pierce
Shoe from base centre, take out
needle from top and repeat. Pull
thread to  atten sole and shape
ankle. Repeat for the other Leg.
Attach Leg to Body. Seam and
stuff Arms and attach them to
Body. Thread yellow 4-ply and
make long back stitches to
Head to create hair. Tie hair at
sides of face with pink 4-ply.
Sew lace ribbon to the hem of
Skirt. Wrap Body with Skirt and
secure Skirt to Body. Colour
cheeks with pink pastel or
cheek make-up.

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exclusive discount to Knit Now readers.
See page 100 for details.
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