Kerrang! – July 12, 2019

(Martin Jones) #1


partying. We had a great time, but maybe
we burned out on each other and needed
a change. The way the band has changed,
it’s his completely and you can hear that.
It’s exactly where he wants it, and that’s
not where we had it. So it would’ve been
weird to have me there anyway, going,
‘No, I don’t like that!’ I used to be really
bummed out about it, but now it’s not really
my thing. I don’t dislike it, but it doesn’t
grab me like the old stuff. It took a few years
and a couple of Queens records coming out
for me to realise that it was different from
where I wanted to go anyway.”

You guys are reconciled now though?
“Yeah, it took a minute, but whenever we
see each other now, we pick up where we
left off, shooting the shit and talking. He’s
got his life and I’ve got mine, and it is what
it is. It’s good to see him now.”

Tell us about when you were arrested in Rio
for playing naked in 2001.
“It was crazy, because it’s Brazil, right? The
land of nudity and partying and anything
goes! But there was a judge who didn’t think
it was cool, and I was pretty scared, because
I thought I was gonna go to jail. They took me
away in this van and – I’ll never forget it – there
was some girl in there wearing a Harley-
Davidson shirt. She was pretty hot and she’s
like, ‘I’m gonna translate for you. The judge
wants you to explain why you did that. Keep it
really simple and say you’re sorry.’ The funny
thing is, they took me back to the backstage
and, without missing a beat, there’s a party
going on, with all these people tearing it up
and going crazy.”

You also got arrested after a fight with
Terrorvision at the Big Day Out in 1999.
“They kicked us out
of the backstage
dressing area. We had
to be out by a certain
time and we thought
they’d be cool with us
leaving our bags in the
corner, but they threw
them out in the dirt.
I was out partying, and
I guess Josh got in a
fight or something.
I went in there and
somebody had their
face messed up by
Josh, and I remember they had these little
packs of ice, so I hit this guy in the face with
one, like, ‘You need some ice on that?’ Then
the cops jumped on me.”

What can you tell us about the stand-off with
the SWAT team in 2011?
“Oh shit (laughs)! I was in between tours
with Kyuss Lives! [a short-lived spin-off band
featuring former members of Kyuss, minus
Josh Homme], and I had this junkie girlfriend
who I was trying to break up with. I gave her
$3,500 to move out, but she spent it all on
heroin! I was trying to get her out of there
when her friend came by. I didn’t trust her
friend coming in, so I told her to go away. She
went to the police and told them I was killing
this girl, so all these cops show up and they
called the girl I was with on her phone. She
put it on speaker phone, and the cops were
like, ‘Have you got any guns in the house?’
I’m like, ‘Yeah, I have three.’ But then she
hung up and it became a hostage situation,

so they called the SWAT team. I had three
guns that I inherited from my dad dying, and
they’re legal. I didn’t have them in my hand
or anything, they were under the bed. All I
wanted to do was get her out, so they asked if
I’d send her out and I’m like, ‘Okay’ and then
I closed the door. They wanted me to come
out with her, but they didn’t say that, so I went
back inside and dozed off for two hours.
“Next thing I know, there’s this ‘boom!’
and my door crashes in! The SWAT team are
sharpshooters who are trained to kill with
one shot and they thought I was suicidal or
something, but I was just happy she was
gone and I was high, I ain’t gonna lie. But,
yeah, a robot broke down my door and it
was pretty scary. I came out the door and
the whole street was lights and helicopters
and cops with guns drawn on me. They were
like, ‘Hands up! Hands
behind your back!’ and
I’m like, ‘Which one do
I do?’ It was scary, but they
were actually quite nice,
because they were fans.
They were like, ‘We like
Go With The Flow’ and
I’m like, ‘What? You’re not
supposed to like that!’
It was weird. Then they
found stuff in the cracks
and crevices of my house
and I got in trouble.”

Do you have any regrets?
“I’ve got some regrets, but nothing I can
change now. I mean, I’ve never done any jail
time. I’m a screw-up at times, but I’m not that
bad. I still play music and I’m still me. I’ve
made mistakes, so I can’t point the finger at
anyone. For a while I was worried about Josh,
because he was in some trouble, and he had
a lot more to lose than I had. I checked up on
him, just like he checked up on me. He was
one of the first people to call me the next day
[after the SWAT stand-off]. It’s good to know
he’s got my back and I have his.”

Do you think you’ll be playing forever?
“I don’t know what else to do, and I don’t
know what else I want to do. I’ll keep playing
until the end. I kinda have to at this point.
I should have saved some money the
one time I had some, but I did what I was
supposed to do and I had a good time. I live
off whatever I can make and I love what I do.
I wouldn’t change a thing.”





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