Recoil Offgrid – August-September 2019

(Nora) #1
An Evaluation of 5 Survival Video Games
and the Real-World Lessons They Can Teach
By Patrick McCarthy
Images courtesy of Steam and the developers


ou’ ll rot your brain! That’s a
waste of time. Can’t you find
something better to do? If you
ever played video games as a
kid, you may have heard state-
ments like these from parents or other adults
who saw no value in that particular pastime.
Admittedly, many games are intended solely as
a source of entertainment — expertise at rescu-
ing the Mushroom Kingdom’s princess doesn’t
translate well to the real world. However, as-
suming that we can’t learn anything worth-
while from video games is as shortsighted as
saying the same about movies, television, or
books. In fact, the interactive nature of this
medium can be an extremely valuable training
tool, as we’ve seen from the widespread use of
simulators in various technical fields.
As survivalists, we should consider all
possible avenues to strengthen our minds

and learn new skills. Video games can offer
opportunities for both. Just as a survival-
oriented novel or film — or our own What If?
column — can leave you contemplating how
you’d approach a disaster scenario, survival
games can help us become more adept at
planning, problem-solving, and organiza-
tion. You might also see a tool or technique
you hadn’t considered before, resulting in
motivation to study it later, or hone your
ability to communicate under pressure dur-
ing a multiplayer session. You could even
utilize video games as a form of confined-
environment recreation if you’re locked-
down and going a little stir crazy — think 10
Cloverfield Lane.
There’s no substitute for practicing
survival skills in real life, but there are times
when that’s not feasible. Most of us can’t
afford to simulate being marooned on a

desert island, stranded on a frigid mountain
peak, or under attack by a hostile force in
an urban wasteland. And even if we could,
there’s no respawn if you’re injured or killed
while living out these scenarios. Video
games allow us to instantly jump into any
one of these storylines, exploring and ex-
perimenting without lasting consequences.
We selected five survival-oriented games
and evaluated them based on their value
as training tools, as well as how this is bal-
anced with enjoyment and replayability.
Each game features varying degrees of
fantasy and creative license — don’t expect
a hard-core simulation of survival, because
you still can’t feel the physical effects of a
life-and-death situation through your con-
troller. That said, these games can be a lot
of fun and — contrary to what those cynical
adults said — far from a waste of time.



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