Recoil Offgrid – August-September 2019

(Nora) #1


Beam Team Games
Stranded Deep

Unlike the previous games in this article, Stranded
Deep is exclusively a single-player experience. Al-
though there’s some indication that co-op function-
ality might be included in a future update, we played
this game solo, and we’re glad we did — it strongly
emphasizes the feeling of isolation.
The game starts with a nighttime plane crash that
dumps you somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, not unlike
the movie Cast Away. After emerging from the wreck-
age, you clamber into an inflatable life raft and paddle
your way to a tiny desert island. The game world is
procedurally generated, meaning that every player
will end up with a different environment. Throughout
the game, you’ll need to monitor hunger, thirst, and
tiredness via status bars on your wristwatch.
Aside from anything you find in your raft or
washed up on shore, all items must be crafted from
the world around you. Start by making a stone tool
from a rock fragment, combine it with cordage from
fibrous leaves and a stick to make a crude axe, and
chop down some palm trees. This yields wood for a
campfire, fronds to make a shelter, and coconuts.

You can drink coconut water to stay hydrated, but
just like in real life, it’s a natural diuretic that will
make you sick if you drink too much. Make a still to
produce fresh water. Spear some crabs and cook the
meat by holding it over a fire. There’s a huge variety
of items in Stranded Deep, and each has a purpose, if
not several possible uses. Eventually, you can make
a raft and sail to a new island, explore shipwrecks,
construct buildings, and start farming.

Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux (PS4 and XBOX
One releases are planned, but not available at time
of publication)

Great sense of immersion — the environment feels
both tranquil and merciless, much like it would on
a real desert island.
Crafting system is well thought out and surpris-
ingly realistic.
Your island’s resources will soon be depleted.
When that time comes, you’d better be prepared
to make the dangerous voyage to a new island.

We appreciate that inventory space is limited
to a realistic level, but this also means you’ll
constantly be picking up, dropping, and moving
around items to manage that limited inventory.
This is an “Early Access” game that’s still in
development, and its controls and gameplay
mechanics often feel less polished than a retail
release. Also, the future of PS4 and XBOX ver-
sions is uncertain after the sudden closure of
publisher Telltale Games in 2018.



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