hinge – July 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

hinge 275_26

major, glue-laminated timber trusses, with dark steel beams helping
out on structural loads to alleviate the need for columns. Ceilings
are finished in warm, naked wood boards. The rooms they shelter
are floored with smooth concrete. Since the sheds step very slightly
down the site as they go, there are subtle level-changes through the

After that, there isn’t much more to do, except keep out of the way.
Plenty of wood shutters and doors create warm lengths of wall,
playing very nicely off the rammed-earth siblings nearby. A row of
bedrooms claims one shed, garage and services another. The great
room is at the front, and left open as a permanent loggia beside the
long lap pool. Giant glass panels can be closed, but why would you?
Furnishings are appropriately minimal and sharp. You can retreat to
the ‘depths’ of rooms or hallways to gain precious shade, which of
course is part of the story in hot-clime buildings. The shifting planes
of shadow cast across the walls throughout the day deepen your
affection for light, make you think about time.

You could wax lyrical about the elegance of Cabo House, its chic
union of horizontal minimalism and traditional building elements.
But this house is a bit more than just that. It is a place for untethered
wanderings of the mind, and a spirited use of the senses.
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