hinge – July 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

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Finding fresh, virgin building sites in Hong Kong is pretty close to impossible.
And even the places in which to rebuild over existing structures, often present
topographical and scale challenges – this is a city of condensed, awkward land
plots overlaid with extremely defined building restrictions. For a new satellite
campus of the University of Chicago in Hong Kong, all these factors played into
the mix in full force.

As some measure of compensation, however, the site did provide stunning
views to the ocean, verdant greenery all around, and just enough square
metreage to squeeze in the programme. One of the most important mitigating
elements to contend with was a set of existing ruins of historical value. This
prompted a design solution that essentially ‘floated’ much of the new building

over the site, supported by slender concrete columns. A swooping, curvy
mass of about three storeys (it varies in some sections) resulted, seemingly
responding to the contours of the hillside, mature trees onsite, and a general
impetus to minimise the bulk of the building. As the facility is clad almost
entirely in glass panels, this new piece in the site’s puzzle clearly aims to live
here with a light touch.

To its further credit, some of the existing structure was repurposed into
classrooms and student lounge spaces for the school. These segments are
heavier, familiar locally for their white stucco finishes and sturdy footprint
in the hillside. The juxtaposition of light, wavy, glass mass with the older,
rooted, opaque bits provides the scheme – and the school – with many

Photography courtesy of the architect

The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Academic Complex |

University of Chicago Francis and Rose Yuen Campus in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, China

Revery Architecture

University of Chicago Hong Kong

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