hinge – July 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

hinge 275_48

ceilings are the rough and
ready underside of structural
steel; HVAC is exposed.
There are glassed-in meeting
pavilions and open-plan work

This is a sweet addition to
the Miesian campus; the
new building manages to feel
welcome among the classics
all around it, yet also fresh.
Its extreme, clean minimalism
succeeds as it should, to
state homage but not cower.
It is sexy and will feel ‘new’ for
some time. Many architects
would have been tempted
to go another route, and
make more of a contrasting
statement, or perhaps ditch
Mies’ religious adherence to
orthogonality. Luckily, Ronan
did the opposite, and found
a way to a form and finish
that is individual and strong
regardless. The old master
might even have approved of
the white.
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