hinge – July 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

hinge 275_54


Cambridge, Ontario, Canada


Idea Exchange Old Post Office

In many towns and cities along rivers and lakes, waterfront land was for many
decades ignored or considered secondary. Now-historical buildings usually
faced the other way, onto streets and avenues. Waterways were unclean
necessities, meant for transporting goods or ridding the place of waste. Of
course, that idea has reversed, and these ‘edge’ conditions are now ripe for
reinterpretation and use, especially of the leisurely kind. Cambridge, Ontario,
is a small, old town boasting a good share of fine stone and masonry edifices.
Its former post office was a fairly grand affair, built during an era when slow-
mail was a vital part of the economy and culture. That is no longer quite as
true, and Cambridge needed a library more than a grand post office. Ergo
this project.

But this was to be a library without books. Furthering the recent evolution of
libraries all over the world, actually paper-based books were not the point.
‘Libraries’ are now cultural shelters for all manner of vaguely related activities,
from art exhibitions to teaching studios, presentations to media studies. That
is why this one isn’t called a library at all, but rather an ‘idea exchange’. Here’s
to sharing ideas.

The parti wraps the noble older structure carefully, in a glass-and-steel
enclosure that peaks out or retreats as it snakes around it. The game was

Photography by Tom Arban, except where stated

Photography by Sanjay Chauhan Photography by Sanjay Chauhan
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