hinge – July 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

above, with access to
those balconies and the
courtyard ‘play terrace’.
The classrooms are on the
top floor; their interiors are
simple, clean, light-toned
and smallish. The two
narrow arms of the upper
floors are constrained in
size for normal functions,
but then this is a place for
pint-sized people, so they
are useful. And the inner
courtyard space is just wide
enough to feel like an open-
topped room, ideal for small
groups of kids to take over.
A play of differently sized
square windows looks into
this core.

It is an unusual building,
to be sure – it contrasts
radically with the older hulk
beside it. But Nova Ruda
Kindergarten will lodge itself
in the memories of its main
users, and be considered
completely normal by them.

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