hinge – July 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

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Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Atelier Riri


Photography by William Sutanto

On an island neighbouring Bali, at the edge of the sea,
this vacation compound was fashioned from a respect for
local building traditions, but interpreted in the language
of this century. A set of modest cabins, each of extreme
simplicity and economical construction and materials,
clusters around a swimming pool and the beach.
Under metal roofs, wood posts and beams make up
the diminutive buildings, which are then clad in charred
wood. The plans are as humble as can be imagined, and
the spaces tiny. Assuming all one needs in paradise is
the very essentials – a bed, a small restroom, shade,
ventilation – the architects could make do with as little as
the eventual guests, in terms of material to work with.

There is a sense of desert-island survivalist mode about
the project, but when you look a bit closer, you see it
wasn’t just ad hoc. And from the exterior, there’s little
question a tasteful eye has guided matters. The little
black-box buildings would be called cute if they weren’t
also sharp and strong of character. They aren’t cuddly
but they are sweet, to be sure, with their slices of pale
timber in complementary contrast to the dark, charred
cladding, making for attractive incisions and geometric
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