hinge – July 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

compositions in the elevations. The ‘group’ building, where guests dine,
acts as a buffer along the roadway, screening from noise and for privacy.
It offers a horizontal slot opening that ‘leaks’ out a view through itself like
a tease. After that, the courtyard diagram of the site-approach situated
the other three cabins around a small swimming pool open towards
the ocean. There is water, terrace, walkways, and nodes to retreat to
within the retreat. If you look at the site plan or down from an aerial
photograph, you see the delicacy of the architectural planning. This
property could be occupied by strangers, or by a single group or family;
it’s the size of a private villa.

Inside the pavilions, everything pulls back to essentials. You can climb up
to the roofs for better views or quiet or sunshine. You can close down
the cabins with shutters. You can stand on the beach and admire it all.
Lombok is a place of natural beauty and simple buildings that know to
keep out of the way. Kiyakabin has learnt the same lesson.

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