St. Louis Homes & Lifestyles – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


The shady half of the hillside now has giant hostas. On the
sunny half of the hillside, Martha planted different combinations
of dwarf conifers, lace-leaved Japanese maples and lots of
peonies. She cites fellow Hosta Society member Bruce Buehrig
as helping to inspire her with his expertise in small conifers. “I
like to play more with color and texture than with flowers,”
she says.
Her degree in art, expertise in photography and innate
sense of design has allowed her to instinctively integrate
foliage colors and textures into her lovely, flowing landscapes.
She also has taken numerous classes at the Missouri Botanical
Garden. “It’s basically using the principles of good design,”
she says. “It’s sort of paving with plants, plus I can always pick
things up and move them if they don’t work out.
“I have always loved almost anything Japanese,” Martha
adds. “I made a trip to Japan about eight or nine years ago
with one of my daughters, and I went to as many gardens as
I could. I like to think that my garden has a little Japanese
influence.” She also tours as many local gardens as possible,
laughing that garden tours “can be dangerous” in terms of
wanting to do new things in your own garden.
She is particularly fond of “Full Moon,” a small Japanese
maple featuring leaves with rounded centers circled by
radiating points which emerge gold, then turn chartreuse in

“I like to play more with

color and texture than

with flowers ”

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