Crochet World – August 2019

(John Hannent) #1
AUGUST 2019 CROCHET-WORLD.COM Crochet World 47

Simply stunning! This award-winning doily is a testament to our crochet heritage. Each
section features a different lace technique making it the perfect way to hone your skills.
In this issue, we feature the second installment of our three-part series.

Rnd 30: (Sl st, ch 1, sc) in
first ch-3 sp, *[ch 3, sc in next
ch-3 sp] twice, ch 4, sk next ch-3
sp, dc in next dc, ch 4, sk next
ch-3 sp*, sc in next ch-3 sp; rep
around, ending last rep

at **, join to first sc. (90 sc,
60 ch-3 sps, 60 ch-4 sps, 30 dc)
Rnd 31: (Sl st, ch 1, sc) in first
ch-3 sp, *ch 3, sc in next ch-3 sp,
ch 5, sk next ch-4 sp, dc in next
dc**, ch 5, sk next ch-4 sp, sc in

next ch-3 sp; rep from * around,
ending last rep at **, ch 3, dc
in first st (counts as ch-5 sp).
(60 sc, 30 ch-3 sps, 60 ch-5 sps,
30 dc)
To be continued... CW
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