New Zealand Listener – August 03, 2019

(Ann) #1



kind of demented partisanship has
replaced healthy doubt and scepti-
cism. And the knock-on effect is that
almost any discussion of politics is no
longer about practical assessment, but
instead quickly becomes a moral issue
of truth and lies.


ad faith is endemic. There’s a
desperate hope that things will
change when we finally leave
Europe. But the likelihood is that the
ill feelings and divisions will only
grow, as the effect of the split takes
hold. In any case, the departure is by
no means guaranteed. It’s rumoured
that Johnson will call a quick elec-
tion – the third in four years – as our
politics grows more Italian with each
passing day.
If he does, it will be because he’s
relying on the astounding uselessness
of Corbyn, which has him trailing
in the opinion polls against the
least popular government in
modern history. It’s a high-risk
strategy, though, as Theresa May
discovered. And if he doesn’t go
to the nation, he has to rely on a
Parliament that has already sig-
nalled its opposition to a no-deal
Brexit, which is Johnson’s fallback
position in the renegotiations he
promises to have.
His only other option is to
muscle the Queen into bypassing
Parliament. That will involve
a constitutional crisis of such
magnitude that the entire political
process could grind to a halt.
We can be thankful it’s August;
the whole country is in need of
a holiday. l


t a recent wedding of very
old friends, one of the guests
confessed that she was avoid-
ing another guest because she
couldn’t forgive him for the last con-
versation they had. As she’s not given
to dramatic gestures, I asked what the
issue was. Politics.
It used to be that politics was a
bit like sport, at least among mature
adults. Someone supported this party
or that policy just as they might sup-
port Chelsea or Manchester United.
It was a biographical detail, not a
character flaw. But in recent years,
politics has become poisoned and,
as a result, it’s now poisonous.
The first thing infected is a
sense of objective truth, the idea
that, beyond the usual disagree-
ments over detail, there were
facts and these facts mattered.
Just recently, new Prime Minister
Boris Johnson – and how weird it
is to write those words, as if they
were composed in an opioid haze

  • held up a kipper (a cold-smoked
    fish) during one of his final hus-
    tings speeches.
    He told his audience that
    because of the barmy EU restric-
    tions of “Brussels bureaucrats”,
    the producer of the kipper had
    been forced to transport the fish
    with an “ice pillow”. It required
    only minor journalistic work to
    discover that the kipper was not
    subject to any EU rules and the
    terms of its transportation were

UK politics is falling

towards its nadir

as a barefaced liar

confronts a buffoon.

The Italian job

It’s rumoured
that new Prime

Minister Boris
Johnson will call

a quick election

  • the third in
    four years.








“And the only reason I wasn’t the first
man on the Moon was bone spurs.”

solely a matter for UK domestic bureaucracy.
So, it was a barefaced lie. Politicians have always
lied, of course, but there was a time when they
made the effort to conceal it, or, failing that,
explain it. We are way past such quaint customs
now in the UK. Johnson’s estranged relationship
with the truth is long-standing. He built his news-
paper career – as a correspondent in Brussels – by
making up stories about bizarre EU regulations.
But now he’s the most important person in
the UK, at least in theory. The lies of his opposite
number, Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, are
another matter. There’s nothing barefaced about
them. Instead, he’s convinced he’s telling the truth,
even when there is abundant evidence that he is
not. A BBC investigation into anti-Semitism in the
Labour Party exposed a whole political architecture
enabling anti-Semites, but Corbyn’s response was to
blame the messenger and repeat over and over that
he was an anti-racist.
In both cases, the supporters of these two lead-
ers maintain that there is no problem: “Nothing
to see here,” they call out, “just move along.” A




Andrew Anthony is an Observer
feature writer and is married to a New
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