
(sharon) #1



Power up your workout with

refreshing new beverages that

stress performance and recovery.


WHEN YOU’RE WORKING up a sweat, it’s
crucial to stay hydrated. “When you are dehydrated,
you’ll feel an increase in physical strain, core tempera-
ture, heart rate, and rates of perceived exertion. And the
greater the fl uid defi cit, the greater the strain”, says
Molly Morgan, a nutritionist based in Vestal, New York,
USA. If your fl uid loss hits 2% or higher, it can compro-
mise your physical and mental performance, she adds.
And while good old H2O will get the job done most
of the time, if your workouts stretch past the hour mark
— or if it’s a very hot day, which is common in SA
— you may need more. These new hydration aids
eliminate unnatural dyes and additives and boast a range
of key ingredients that can help boostyourperformance
while quenching your thirst.

muscles depend on water and
electrolytes to work properly”,
explains Torey Armul, a sports
nutritionist based in Columbus,
Ohio, USA. Sodium has the
added benefi t of stimulating
thirst, so you’re more likely to
drink up and to retain the fl uids
you’ve consumed. Most sports
drinks also include some glucose
or other carbs to help boost
blood sugar levels during
prolonged workouts.
TRY THIS: The refreshing
3 Scheckter’s Organic Energy
Stay energised with all natural
and organic ingredients with no
artifi cial preservatives, fl avours,
colours or sweeteners, taurine
and no synthetic ca“ eine. This is
a clean energy drink with no
associated jitters or crashes.

Alkaline Water
WHY IT MAY HELP: Plain water has
a pH of 7 (on a scale of 1 to 14,
with 1 being very acidic and 14
being very alkaline). Proponents
of alkaline water, which has a pH
of 8 or 9, say it can neutralise
the acid in your body. One study
found that exercisers who drank
a higher-pH water had lower
blood viscosity after a strenuous
workout. That meant oxygen-
rich blood fl owed more
eœ ciently, potentially improving
recovery. Some research also
shows that alkaline water can
help neutralise acid refl ux.
TRY THIS: 2 Generosity Water
Generosity produces high-
quality alkaline water with a pH
balance of 10.0 which provides
optimal hydration for an active
day. (generositywater.com)


WHY IT MAY HELP: Ca“ eine can make
tough exercise feel a little easier so
you can go longer. “When you
have adequate fl uid consumption,
ca“ eine taken in moderation has a
number of performance benefi ts”,
Morgan says. Look for about 1 to
3mg per kg of body weight. For a
60kg woman, that’s about 61 to
184mg, or about the amount in a
500ml latte at the high end or a
350ml cup of regular co“ ee.
TRY THIS: Each quick-dissolving
 Go Water Go Water is your
healthy energy drink option and is
much stronger than your average
cup of co“ ee. It’s great for long
days of partying and serves as an
excellent recovery workout drink
or pre-workout amplifi er. It’s good
for runs and hikes on hot days and
a super way to start your day as it
rehydrates with electrolytes and
pure mountain spring water.

WHY IT MAY HELP: “Some small
studies show potential promise
that hydrogen water [which
pumps extra hydrogen gas into
regular water] may help reduce
blood lactate levels and improve
exercise-induced decline of
muscle function”, Morgan says.
One Japanese study of male
soccer players found that
drinking hydrogen-rich water
before exercise reduced blood
lactate levels and kept subjects
going at a higher intensity for
a longer period of time. Still,
Morgan adds, the research isn’t
fully there to support the claims.
TRY THIS: 4 Lavida Spring
Hydrogen is the richest chemical
element in nature. It is also the
key to life. As the smallest
molecule in our universe,
hydrogen has a strong
penetration power and can
reach every organ, tissue and
cell in the body. This handy,
easy-to-use bottle contains a
Lavida Hydrogen Stone and will
hydrogenate water when it is
fi lled. (faithful-to-nature.co.za)





(^) 2019 JUL/AUG | M&F HERS | 37

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