
(sharon) #1


  • From top of plank position,
    walk hands farther out
    above level of head, about
    a foot, and as wide as hips.
    This is the start.

  • “Walk” right hand and left
    foot clockwise simultan-
    eously, then walk left hand
    and right foot to meet
    them. Continue in same
    direction for time.

  • Repeat going in opposite


  • Lie, belly down, on a
    stability ball, legs straight
    and close together and
    arms straight.

  • Keeping neck in line with
    torso, lift your right arm
    and left leg until at least
    parallel to floor. Hold for
    time, then return to start.


  • Lie on your back with your
    right arm and leg straight,
    just above the floor. Bend
    your left knee, lifting foot off
    floor and bending left elbow.

  • Place a block between your
    left knee and elbow, holding
    it in place using your abs.
    This is the start.

  • Keeping left side stable by
    using your abs, crunch your
    right leg and arm toward
    each other until they
    meet over your chest.

  • Return to start without
    letting right heel touch floor.


  • Lie on back with legs on bench, knees
    bent about 90 degrees. Hold hands to
    ears with elbows wide.

  • Sit up quickly, slamming chest to thighs.

  • Lower torso halfway back to floor and
    then slam up again.

  • Lower torso midway again.

  • Then twist torso, 3 times each to right
    and left, staying tall.

  • Return to start position with head back
    on floor. Repeat for time.

76 | M&F HERS | JUL/AUG 2019

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