Kerrang! – June 28, 2019

(backadmin) #1

Urgh, hangover.

We needed help.

Or an exorcist.

Thank Satan,

then, for the





fter the night before
comes the morning after.
And with it, the eternal
question of why, oh why,
didn’t we heed the advice of every
sensible adult we’ve ever met who
told us about prevention being the
best cure? And then a hero comes
along, bearing Bloody Marys,
burgers and bags full of records,
and the world suddenly becomes a
much less headache-y place where
your poor mouth doesn’t taste like
an old pub carpet.
They didn’t call it the Rise Records
Recovery Session for nothing. Zombie-
like, those who managed to scrape
themselves out of bed following the
previous night’s debauchery arrived at
Islington’s MEATliquor looking – let’s
be charitable – rotten, but left looking
much, much more human. This is
testament to the restorative power of
hash browns, beef, and tomato juice
mixed with Crystal Head vodka, a
combo both delicious and life-saving.
Is prevention the best cure? No.
Sorry, mum, sorry, teachers. This is.



Bartender, or life-
saving magician?

Salvation reaches some
very hungover people

Goody bags of records:
breakfast of champions

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