Kerrang! – June 28, 2019

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How does it feel to have Burn It officially
named as Best Song?
nice to know that it’s being recognised, but
it’s not about us. I know it maybe seems like
I’m always saying that, but I feel the way that
we represent ourselves and have structured
this FEVER 333 project shows you that you
can do this thing the way you want to. With us
being recognised with an award, I wanted to
make clear when we accepted it that there are
other ways you can be told you’re a winner.
We’re all out there, each and every day,
compromising our mental and physical health

to be artists, so everyone should feel at some
point they’ve won something.”

You speak a lot about the power of the
people, so to have won an award voted for
by the public must be special?
“It’s incredible. It proves once again,
without a doubt, that the power is within the
people – the people out there are the ones
that made this happen. We can do all the
demonstrations we want, but it’s the people
that take what we do and make it real, giving
it the fire and the strength that it needs to
help it spread.”

How important is a victory like this to
you as an example to listeners of what’s
possible if you act on your passions?
“It’s so very important. Honestly, it’s about
showing something authentic and making
sure, at the end of the day, that you’ve tried
your hardest with the thing you love. I’m
following what I believe to be my truth. If this
particular thing isn’t someone else’s truth,
then perhaps following the idea of it, the idea
of your own truth is enough for people. There
have been so many examples of artists who
have done that in my life, so I’m just trying to
do my bit to pay it forward.”

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