India Legal – July 13, 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
| INDIA LEGAL |July 22, 2019 47

central leadership took the position that
the party need not intervene after Binoy
said that he had not married the woman
or had any son by her.
The case, however, became more
serious after the woman’s official com-
plaint in which she said that her impov-
erished parents had eight daughters and
she was forced to move to Mumbai to
start practising dance to earn a living.
With the help of a friend, she reached
Dubai and started working as a bar dan -
cer at the Mehbil Dance Bar. In October
2008, according to her version, Binoy
visited the bar and used to shower thou-
sands of rupees on her during her per-
formances. She says he introduced him-
self as a Keralite construction contractor
and gave her several gifts.
A year later, he asked her to visit
him at his house. When she reached his
house, he offered to marry her and lured
her to have sex with him. By 2011, she
had a son from the affair and Binoy paid
for her maintenance.
According to the woman, till 2015,
Binoy was paying the rent of the flat
which he had arranged for her and their
son. “Binoy had offered to marry me on
the first birth anniversary of the son. He
also wanted me to stop the profession of
bar dancer,” she said in the complaint.
She had produced bank details showing
Binoy paying money into her account,
ranging from 50,000 to4 lakh, acc -
ording to Mumbai police.
What the saga has exposed is the de -

generate life of a section of CPI(M) lea -
ders and their family members. Earlier,
CPI(M) leaders in Kerala commanded
respect for their simple lifestyle and dis-
cipline which included making sure
their children or close relatives did not
take advantage of their political status.
Now, it is a different story, with a series
of scandals involving the abuse of power
and amassing of wealth.
This dramatic change happened with
the Kerala CPI(M) leadership’s agenda
to mobilise funds, set up huge institu-
tions and engage their own relatives in
key positions in such institutions. The
CPI(M) currently owns television chan-
nels, newspapers, printing and publish-
ing houses, major hospitals and several
such institutions, engaging a large
number of cadre and family members
as employees. The party has also am -
assed buildings and property worth tens
of thousands of crores and leaders at
each party faction have become direct


odiyeri has not helped his cause
when he said that had the case
not involved `5 crore, it would
not have cropped up. His response att -
rac ted severe criticism with the opposi-
tion attacking him for trying to bribe the
woman involved. He tried to make up
for his gaffe by stating, “My son is an
adult. He alone is responsible for his
conduct in personal life and he will have
to face the consequences. Party has

nothing to do with it and it will not
intervene.” However, the fact is that the
CPI(M) leader had full knowledge of his
wife, Vinodini Balakrishnan, initiating
conciliatory talks with the Mumbai
woman and her family and making eff -
orts to settle the case amicably through
a payoff. When the woman refused to
budge from her demand of `5 crore
compensation, the scandal acquired a
political dimension.
This comes in the wake of several
instances where Binoy and Bineesh have
assumed positions like “vice president”,
“director” and “partner” in a leading
NRI businessman’s corporate group
while they had average or below educa-
tional qualifications and little profes-
sional qualification or experience.
When their luxurious lifestyle became
public, the father had done nothing to
stop them.
Matters came to a head in February
2018, when a UAE citizen, Hasan
Ismaeel Abdullah Al Marzooqi, who
owns the Dubai-based Jaas Tourism
LLC, claimed that Binoy cheated his
company of AED 7 million (about ` 13
crore). Al Marzooqi had even convened
a press meeting in Thiruvananthapu -
ram. However, following the CPI(M)
leadership’s intervention, the press meet
was cancelled and Al Marzooqi was per-
suaded to withdrew the case.
However, such embarrassments have
robbed the CPI(M) of its moral strength,
a powerful electoral attribute. Chief Mi -
n ister Pinarayi Vijayan’s children have
also been accused of taking favours from
NRI businessmen. Pinarayi’s daughter,
Veena Vijayan, was appointed as CEO of
RP Techsoft, a company owned by Mala -
yali NRI Ravi Pillai in Thiruvanantha -
pu ram. After growing criticism, she quit
the firm and set up her own company.
The latest scandal involving yet ano -
ther powerful CPI(M) leader in the
state, Kodiyeri, is another nail in the
party’s political coffin.

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The Binoy saga has
exposed the degener-
ate life of a section of
CPI(M) leaders and
their family members
in Kerala. Even CM
Pinarayi Vijayan’s
(left) children have
been accused of
taking favours from
NRI businessmen.


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