Africa’s Bowhunter – August 2019

(sharon) #1

include cheetah, caracal, jackal and large eagles. They are sus-
ceptible to some diseases – heartwater being an example.

Hunting springbok can be a real bowhunting challenge given the
fact that they frequent very open areas with not much stalking
cover, possess good eyesight, have fast ref lexes and are agile.
However, they are slender, thin-skinned and small-boned and do
not represent much of an obstacle to arrow penetration.

Springbok sign
Suitable habitat
Look for springbok in open to semi-open areas. They will avoid
dense bush. They will often be found in areas of green f lush
after first seasonal rains. Springbok are very partial to and will
regularly visit mineral deposits or licks.

Typical cloven hoof 50–55 mm long and 33–35 mm wide. Tracks
will be plentiful where springbok herds occur and will give a
good indication of areas frequented (Figure 3).

Springbok scat consists of small cylindrical pellets with a

Figure 5: Springbok scat midden.

Figure 6: Trophy measurements.

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