The Boston Globe - 08.08.2019

(Joyce) #1

B4 Metro The Boston Globe THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2019

Alaska,” he said. “But this is a
worthy project.”

CHESTNUTS:$20,000 to remove
invasive water chestnuts that
are choking the river, despite ef-
forts to remove them by hand
and with a water-chestnut har-
vesting machine that resembles
a giant floating tractor. “The
geese and the ducks can’t even
move throughit, and fish can’t
even comeup for air,” said Rob-
ert D. McArthur,Framingham’s
The state funding, he said,will
helppay for a contractor to
spray the water chestnut leaves
withherbicide three times a
year, in hopes of finally killing
the plant.

$12,000 to buy a “Watergoat” to
strain trash from the Muddy
River, the meandering urban
brook that runs through the
Emerald Necklace,from Jamai-
ca Pond to the Fenway. The con-
traption — actually a net at-
tached to buoys and a long
boom — will stretch across the
river and trap bottles, cans, and
wrappers withoutentangling
turtles, birds, and fish, said Car-
oline Reeves of the Muddy Wa-
ter Initiative, an environmental
group.“It’s not a farm animal
but, like a goat, it gobbles up
the trash, and we are so excited
about it,” she said. The earmark
will pay for the $5,900device,
two engineers to install it, and a
contractor to haul away the gar-
bage, as part of a broader effort
to restore the river, Reeves said.

PAUL:$15,000 to repair the roof
on the Jamaica Plain homeof
the Daughters of Saint Paul, a

Continued fromPageB1

group of Catholic nunswho run
a publishinghouseand spread
the Gospel throughbooks, mag-

azines, and other media.The
congregation,founded in Italy
in 1915,countssome2,000

members in 52 countries. Rep-
resentative NikaElugardo, a Ja-
maica Plain Democrat who

sponsoredthe earmark,said it
was the onlyone of five local
projects she requested that was
funded this year. Still, she said,
she was pleased.“It seemed to
me that Ways and Means made
a strong effort to make sure ev-
erybodygot something,” Elu-
gardosaid, referring to the
powerful House panel that
oversees state spending.

CLEANUP:$10,000to helpthe
Friendsof the MarshfieldDog

Park, a citizens’ group,clean up
the town’s first dog park, once it
is built. Steve Darcy, the group’s
president, said the park’s loca-
tionhas not yet been an-
nounced and it may not open
for another two years.But the
state funding, he said,will pay
for lawn-mowing, a contractor
to cleanup waste, and a plastic-
bag dispensermountedon a

SHOW:$50,000 to help the Bos-
ton Symphony Orchestra pro-
duce the Boston Pops Fire-
works Spectacular, the annual
July Fourth extravaganzathat
draws an estimated 500,000
people to the Esplanade.The
showreceives corporate fund-
ing from Eaton Vance and
Bloomberg, but the orchestra
said it still ends up with a near-
ly $1 million annual shortfall to
stage the event. Orchestra offi-
cials said the $50,000 will help
pay for the TV broadcast and
concert, guest artist fees, instal-
lation of the soundtowers and
giant screens along the Charles
River, and the fireworksshow.
In the future, the BSO said it is
committed to finding addition-
al private funding.

$165,000 to removeand re-
placeundergroundfuel tanks at
the LunenburgDepartment of
Works. The tanks, used to gas
up the town’s policecruisers,
fire engines, and schoolbuses,
are 25 years old and at risk of
leaking, Police Chief James P.
Marino said.“We wantto pre-
ventsomething from happen-
ing,” he said. “It’s not some-
thing you want to take a chance

Michael Levenson can be
reached at
[email protected].

meeting with Fernandes took
place at City Hall with the city’s
corporation counsel.Correia
said he didn’t give special treat-
ment to Fernandes, but also
didn’t want to unfairly reject
and “disenfranchise” him.Cor-
reia deniedany financial bene-
fit fromthe deal.
“The optics are poor by
those that are detractors,but
the reality is there’s nothing
wrongwithwhat we did,” Cor-
reia said.“I wouldn’t do any-
thingthat I feel puts Fall River
in a bad light becauseof the
scrutiny and microscope that
I’m currently under.”
Fernandes,a realestate
agent, said he grew interested
in joining the pot industry in
the spring, whenhe learned
aboutthe Massachusetts Can-
nabis Control Commission’s so-
cial equity program.
The program aimsto help
marijuana entrepreneursfrom
communitieslike Fall River
that saw disproportionately
highrates of pot arrests before
Fernandes said he qualified
for the program becauseof a
pot possession conviction from
yearsago. Now, he said,that
awful experiencewill give him
training, mentorship, and


technical help.
“I couldn’t believe that
something that the state
looked at as badnowwas
good,” Fernandes said.
Correiasaid that compared
to the 11 otheragreements he
has signed with marijuana
companies, Fernandes at first
didn’t seem to have enough
capital for a viable business. All
the otherretailers in townhad
large-scale backing fromout-
of-state investors. But when
Correia learned that Fernandes
was in the social equity pro-
gram, he said,he reconsidered.
Correiasaid his decision
was barely consequentialbe-
cause the state cannabis com-
mission, not the city, will ulti-
mately decide whetherto li-
cense the business.
“All we do is say ‘yes’ or ‘no,’
that particularsite is in the
proper zone,” Correia said. “It’s
the state that ultimately de-
But the Pioneer Institute, a
nonpartisangovernment ac-
countability nonprofit, said the
decisionstill mattered. With-
out the approval, the business
could not seeka state license.
The groupsaid the mayor
should have recused himself
fromgranting an “exclusive
right,” such as a marijuana
store approval, to someone in

his personal life.
“To prevent the appearance
of abuse, most officialsrecuse
themselves from the process,”
said Jim Stergios, the insti-
tute’s executivedirector.
“That’s true whether the offi-
cial act is a ‘processstep,’ as in
this case, or an actual decision.
The mayor’s defense, which is
tantamount to ‘Hey, the Canna-
bis Control Commission is the
decision-maker, not me,’ is a di-
Correia’s opponent in next
month’s election said the deci-
sion reflected the mayor’s poor
“It doesn’t look good and it
doesn’t smellgood,” said Paul
Coogan,a retiredschool vice
principal. “It goes to the heart
of his integrity and his deci-
sion-making skills.”
Correia was federally in-
dicted last year on charges he
stole $230,000from investors
in his techstartup,an app
called SnoOwl. Correia is set to
stand trialFeb. 24 on nine
countsof wire fraud and four
counts of filing falsetax re-
turns. He has pleaded not

Naomi Martin can be reached
at [email protected].
Followheron Twitter at

From the Commonwealth, a big barrel of richness

Fall River mayor draws heat

for approval of pot shops

MayorJasielCorreiaII wasfederallyindictedlast yearonfraudandtaxevasioncharges.

$43.3billionstate budget
as cleanupfora dogpark
that’s yet to openand
Fourth of July fireworks.



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M.G.L. c. 149, sectionsInvitationforGeneral Bids44A-44J
ProjectName: RoofJohnsonReplaceBuildingmentat BostonPublicLibrary
Forinformationspecific to this particularbid,
pleasecontact PFD’sBid Counteror [email protected] 617-635-4809
The City of Bostonsion,throughits Directoractingby its Publicof the PublicFacilities CommisFacilitiesDepart--
ment(PFD),10thFloor,26Court Street,Boston,MA 02108,
hereinafterinvitessealed bids for the above-entitledreferred to as the Awardingproject.Authority,herebyBids shall
be on aform suppliedby PFD,beclearlyidentifiedasabid,
and signedject to sectionby the bidders26-27,29 and 44A-44.All bidsfor this projectJ, inclusiveofChapterare sub-
149 of the General Laws,asamended,and in accordance
entitled:withthe termsRoofand provisionsReplacement at Bostonof the contrPublicact documentsLibrary
The scopeof workis furtherdetailedin the specifications
and includesroofing, insulationremoval, disposal andreplacemenand vaporbarrier,masonryrepairstofPVC,slate
and terracottaroof shinglereplacement, removal, disposal
and replacementof skylights.
All filedsub-bidsshall be filedwiththe Awarding Author-
ity at the Bid CounterMA 02108,beforetwelve o’clock,26Court Street, 10th Floor,Boston,(noon)on August22,

(^2019) openeadforthwithtwhichtimeand readandplacealoud.respectiveLATE SUB-sub-biBIDSdsWILLwillNOTbe
aCertificaFiledSub-bidste of Eligibilitywill be validonly whenissuedby DCAMM,accompanshowingied by: (1)that
tifiedthe sub-contrbelowand furtheractorhas beendetailedapprovedin the specifications;in the trade(s)iden-and,
(2) an UpdateStatementsummarizingthe sub- contractor’s
recordtion and the date the sub-for the periodbetwecontractoren the latestDCAMMsubmits its sub-bcertifica-id.
FilednamentalSub-bidIron; Roofingtrade(s):Masonand Flashing;ry; MiscellaneousPlumbing; HVACand Or-
and Electrical
Biddersare hereby notified asite viewingis scheduled
for:Tuesdayat the Johnson,AugustBuilding,13, 2019,700 Boylstonfrom11 a.m.Street,to 12 p.m.,Boston,
All generat the Bid Counteral bidsshall,26Court Street, 10thbe filedwiththe AwardingFloor,BostonAutho,MArity
02108,12, 2019before,atwhichtwelve o’clock(noontimeand placerespectiveEST)on Septemberbidswill be
openedforthwithand readaloud.LATE BIDSWILLNOTBE
CertificateGeneral Bidsof Eligibilitwill be validyissuedonly whenby DCAMM,accompaniedshowingthat theby (1) a
general contractorhas beenapprovedinGeneralBuilding
advertised,Constructioand (2) an Updatento bid on projects the size and natureStatementsummarizingof thatthe
general contractor’srecordfor the periodbetween the lat-
est DCAMMtor submitsitsbid.certificationand the datethe general contrac-
Plans and specificatiogust5, 2019,atthe Publicns will be availablFacilitiesDepareonorabouttmentBid Coun-Au-
ter to all interestedpartieswhopresenta$25.00REFUND-
ABLEas aform of deposiDEPOSITfor eacht, in additiontocertified,set. PFD will acceptMoneytreasurerOrdersand
cashibe accepter’schecksed unless(Personalcertifiedand Companyby to fa-will not
cilitate the dispositionof yourrefunds, pleasehave checks
or MoneyOR yourcompany’Ordersmadesname.Plans and specificatpayabletoboth The City of Bostonions mustbe
returnedin goodconditionwithinthirtydays of the general openingBiddersin orderare herebyfor the biddernotifiedto havethat bid deposithe $25.00ts mustre-
be 5% of his/herbid, and shallbe in the formof abid bond,
certified checkmadepayabletothe City of Boston.,treasurer’scheck,or cashier’scheckand
The attentdentsJobsion of all biddersPolicysectionis directedof the specificationsto the BostoandnResi-the
obligationof the contractorin the performance of this
The attenti00 –1throughonofall bidde00 20 00 –10, entitled“Instructionrs is alsodirectedto pagesstoBid-00 20
ders(IncludingSub-Bidders).”See sections21.3 and 21.4 of
Article 21 on pagetion and submission00 20 00 –9regardof an original, stampeding DCAMMSponsorcertificaVeri--
fication letterfromthe Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Deparsion of Apprentictmentof Laboreshipand WorkforceTraining. Development–Divi-
Aperformancbondsatisfactoryebondto the AwardingandlaborandAuthomaterialsrity,ofaspaymuretyent
company licensed to do businessunderthe lawsof the
list of approvedCommonwealthand includedsureties(Seeon the U.S. TreasuryCircular 570),in thesum ofcurrent
100%ful bidder.of the contract pricewill be requiredof the success-
The Awardingformalitiesin or to rejectAuthorityreservesany and all bids if it is in the publicthe rightto waiveany in-
interestto do so.
AugustPatricia8, 2019M. Lyons
By virtueCourt(Civilof aJudgmentActionNo.1884 CV 02416),infavorand Orderof the Suffolkof the Trust-Superior
ees of the 33 WorcesterStreetCondominiumTrust against
Janiceing alien pursuantRoberts,Trusteeto M.G.L. c. 183A:6of the Gardnlite Trust, establish-on the real estate
knownwithastreetaddress of 33 Worcesteras Unit 3ofthe 33 WorcesterStreetStreet,CondomiUnit 3, Bos-nium
ton,Suffolk County,Massachusettsfor the purposesof
Auctionsatisfyingcommencisuchlien, the real estateng at 1:00p.m. on Augustis scheduled27, 2019,for Publicat
33 Worcester Street,Unit3, Boston,Massachusetts.The
premiseslows: to be sold are moreparticularly describedas fol-
The unit knownas Unit No.3(“Unit”)in the 33 Worcester
StreetCountyCondominium,,Massachusetts33 Worcest,(“Premiseser Street,”) acondominiBoston,um es-Suffolk
tablishedGeneral Lawsby Bernard S. Gelber,Chapter183A,as Trusteepursuantto Massachusettsof 333 Worcester
StreetRealtyTrustu/d/t datedJuly 26, 1985and recorded
with086, whichUnit is shownSuffolkCountyRegistry ofon the FloorDeedsatPlansBookof the Building11766,Page
as describedin filedwiththe MasterDeedin saidDeeds
and on the copyand madeapart thereofor aportion,towhichor said Plansis affixeattachdthe verifieded thereto
statementor aregisteredarchitectinthe formrequiredby
Section9ofsaid Chapter183A.
Saidunit is conveyedas built, with: 1) An undivided Sev-
enteenmonAreasand 95/100and Facilities of the Premisesper cent(17.95%)interestdescribedin the Com-in said
Masterand easemenDeed,ttoconstruct,attributable to the Unit;use and occup2)Anexclusiverighty, subjectto the
obligationsand restrictionscontainedin the MasterDeed,
lationsthe CondomipromulgatedniumTrust and By- Lawspursuantthereto,and Rules,and Chapterand Regu-183A,
adeck/balconyat the exteriorrearor the Unit,together
otherand incorprightsoratedand obligathereinions referencby reference.ed in said deedto me
Said unit is subjecStreetCondominiumttothe Masterrecordedin the SuffolkDeedof the 33 WorcesterCountyReg-
istryof Deedsin Book12117,Page 160,as samemaybe
amended,StreetCondomiand the DeclaniumTrust,recordedration of Trust of the 33 Worcesterin the SuffolkCounty
Registryof Deedsin Book12117,Page 180.
Fortitle,see Deedto Janice Roberts,Trusteeof the Gardn-
lite Trust, recordedCountyRegistryof DeedsinBook 25218, Page 45.on August4, 2000,withthe Suffolk
In the eventin this publicatioof atypogrn, the descriptionaphicalerroror omissionof the premisescontainedcon-
tained in saidUnit Deed shallcontrol.
TERMS1. Anon-refundablOF SALE: edepositpayablein cash,certifiedor
bankcheckin the amountof $10,000.00for the unit shall
be payable2. The balancat theAuction.eofthe purchasepriceis to be paidwithin
thirty3. An Auctioneer’(30)days of the auction.sReleaseDeedwill be issuedto the
purchaser,upon paymentof the balance of the purchase
priceconvey,withinthe premisesthirty(30) dayssubjectof the,and withThe Deedthe benefit of,shall
all restrictions,easements,improvements,outstanding tax
titles,municipaor claimsin the naturelorotherof liens,and existingpublictaxes,assessmentsencumbrances,liens,
of recordseniorto the lien herebybeingsatisfied, whether
mentsor not reference,outstandinto suchgtax titles,municipalrestrictions,easementsor other,improvepublic-
taxes,assessments,liens or claimsin the natureof liensor
encumbr4. Additionallyances,and not by way of limitationis made in the deed. ,the sale shall
be subjecttenancies,and occupantsto and withthe benefit,ifany. of any andall tenants,

  1. No representationis or shallbe madeas to any amount
    of taxes6. The successfuldueand outstandingbidder shallpay the futurecondominium.
    commonchargescommencingwiththe dateof the auc-
    tion.7. No representation is or shallbemade as to any other
    mortgages,liens,orencumbrancesof record.

  2. No representatioof the Premisesor the Condominisorshall be madenium. The Premas to the conditionises shall
    be sold “as is.”

  3. Other10. The sale is subjectitems,ifany,shall be annouto and in accordancencedat the sale.withthe Judg-

the seller’mentand Orderscounsel,,acopyAttorneyof whichErik Shaughnesmmay be obtainedsy,Mirrionefrom,
Shaughnessy &Uitti, LLC,2BatterymarchPark, Suite302,
Quincy33 WORCESTER,MA02169, (508)STREET CONDOMINI510-5727. UM TRUST,
By its Boardof Trustees

19 SM 00339 6
Williamand to all persoJ. Morganns entitled to the benefitof the Service-
membersCivil ReliefAct, 50 U.S.C. c. 50 §3901(et seq):
DitechclaimingFinancialto haveLLC f/k/a Greenan interestin aMortgageTree Servicing LLCcoveringreal
propertyin Mattapan (Boston),numbered173 Delphi Street
a/k/aAssociati173 Delhion,Inc.toMerrimackStreet,givenby CommuMortgagenity HomeownerCompany,Inc.,s
datedtry District of the LandJuly 31, 1997,and registeredCourtas Documentat SuffolkNo.554792CountyRegisand-
notedon Certificateof TitleNo.126295,and nowheldby
the Plaintiffacomplaint for determiby assignment,nation of Defendant’has/havefiledwiths/Defendants’this court

serviceIf you nowof the Uniteare,orrecentlydStateshaveof America,been,inthe activethenyou maymilitarybe
Act.entitledIf you objectto the benefitsto aforeclosureof the Servicemembersof the abovementiCivilReliefoned
propertyon that basis,then you or yourattorneymustfile a
writtenbertonSquaappearre,Boston,anceand answerMA 02108in this courton or beforeat ThreeSeptemberPem-

foreclosure9, 2019 or you mayon the groundlosethe opportuniof noncompliaty to challengence withthe Act.the
WitnessJuly 29, 2019.,GORDONH. PIPER,ChiefJusticeof this Courton
Attest:Deborah J. Patterson

On behalfof the MassachusettsBoardofLibrary Com-
Managmissionersement,the Massachand MaintenancusettseinvitesDivisionofCapital Assetproposalsto lease
approximately6,400usablesquarefeet of officespacein
the above-referencedsearcharea for aterm of 10 years.
Proposals mustbe submittedto:
Divisionof CapitalAssetManagement andMaintenance
Officeof Leasing and State OfficeOne AshburtonPlace Planning
14thFloor -Room 141
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
Proposalsmustbe submittedbythe deadline ofSeptem-
ber 11, 2019that time. at 2:00p.m.Proposalswill be openedat

underThe RFP“Contrcan be downloadeact &Bid Search.dfrom”You may also
dcammof the RFP,[email protected] Projector call 857-204-1355Numberto request201940000.acopy1. For
further information, call 857-204-1800. Thisnoticeis also
available at

Consultants ofBoston
If you were lastseenatOphthalmic Consultants
of Bostonpriorto
January 1, 2009: Thisnoticethatyourrecordsis
willstatebe destroyedlaw,onSeptemberper
30,2019. If youwould
like acopy of yourcal record,pleasecontactmedi-
of BostonStreet,Suite600, Boston,at 50 Staniford
MA, 800-635-0489.
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