Creative Machine Embroidery – July 2019

(Joyce) #1
“Satisfaction Guaranteed!
You won’t know how you lived without it!”

  • Brian Bailie


Mac and Windows versions
are included with our software

  • This Issue’s Inside Look –


Embrilliance Essentials

$149. 95

A Super Value!

Essential Tools
for Every Embroiderer!

Essentials is so EASY -- do more sewing
spend less time at the computer!

‡Merge designs, Remove overlaps
‡Re-Size, recalculate
‡Change threads
‡Edit sections
‡Convert formats
‡Browse, even in .ZIPs
‡Letter, 12 built-in fonts
‡Multi-line,Circle text
‡Monograms, with layouts
‡Built-in designs
‡Project Advisor
‡Split for Multi-Position Hoops
‡Sew Simulator, Printing and More!



Creating Designs just got easier
(and a whole lot less expensive!)

This is a breakthrough in simplicity. You have to try it to understand
how easy it is to draw with stitches. Applique, redwork, cross stitch,
freestanding lace, satins, fills and more for $169! Feeling inspired?

That’s just level 1. Ready for more?

Visit our facebook page and see why we are the best ‘liked’ embroidery software in the world.

Level 2

Create stunning compositions!


Level 2 adds multiple satin inputs, curved fills which you control,
motifs with explosive effects, feathering, gradients, contour satin styles,
echo quilting, candlewicks, french knots, freestanding underlay (richlieu bars) and more!

Level 1


Yes, we know other software costs thousands. How do we do it?
We sell a lot more. Our little team is driven to provide high quality
and still make it affordable to everyone.
It’s a simple formula, and it works.


ads_CMEFall19.indd 11ads_CMEFall19.indd 11 6/28/19 12:36 PM6/28/19 12:36 PM

“Satisfaction Guaranteed!
You won’t know howyoulivedwithoutit!”

  • Brian Bailie


are included with our software

  • This Issue’s Inside Look –


m n n

$149. 95

A Super Value!

Essential Tools

Essentials is so EASY -- do more sewing
spend less time at the computer!

‡Merge designs, Remove overlaps
‡Re-Size, recalculate
‡Change threads
‡Edit sections
‡Convert formats
‡Browse, even in .ZIPs
‡Letter, 12 built-in fonts
‡Multi-line,Circle text
‡Monograms, with layouts
‡Built-in designs
‡Project Advisor
‡Split for Multi-Position Hoops
‡Sew Simulator, Printing and More!


Creating Designs just got easier
(and a whole lot less expensive!)

This is a breakthrough in simplicity. You have to try it to understand
how easy it is to draw with stitches. Applique, redwork, cross stitch,
freestanding lace, satins, fills and more for $169! Feeling inspired?

That’s just level 1. Ready for more?

Visit ourfacebook pageandsee whywe arethe best‘liked’embroidery softwarein theworld.

Level 2

Create stunning compositions!


Level2 addsmultiple satin inputs, curved fills which you control,
motifswithexplosiveeffects, feathering, gradients, contour satin styles,
echoquilting,candlewicks,frenchknots,freestanding underlay (richlieu bars) and more!

Level 1


Yes, we know other software costs thousands. How do we do it?
We sell a lot more. Our little team is driven to provide high quality
and still make it affordable to everyone.
It’s a simple formula, and it works.


Free download pdf