Creative Machine Embroidery – July 2019

(Joyce) #1

Machine Embroidery Designs








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The perfect course for anyone new to “In the Hoop” machine embroidery.
The course includes a variety of projects which will progressively get more advanced as the
you proceed. Through the course you will acquire a wide range of skills and produce 12 beautiful
embroidery projects. We recommend this course for beginners, but everyone is welcome to join.



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The perfect course for anyone new to “In the Hoop” machine embroidery.
The course includes a variety of projects which will progressively get more advancedasthe
youproceed.Throughthecourseyouwillacquire a wide range of skills and produce 12 beautiful
embroideryprojects.Werecommendthiscourse for beginners, but everyoneis welcometojoin.



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Free download pdf