First for Women – August 26, 2019

(Nandana) #1

106 First for women 8/26/19

instant insight

Bestselling author and renowned dream
expert Kelly Sullivan Walden decodes the
dreams of four FIRST readers.

Don’t remember your dreams?

“I see two moons”

“My late father visits me!”

DREAM:“In my dream, I was stargazing and saw
two full moons! One was big and yellow while the
other was a smaller blue moon. What could this
possibly mean?”—Sonja Wakefield, Stillwater, OK

WHAT IT’S TELLING YOU:“A f u l l moon in our drea ms
represents feminine virtues such as intuition, creativity
and nurturing while a blue moon symbolizes a once-in-
a-lifetime opportunity. I believe these two celestial bod-
ies, side by side, represent a beautiful affirmation that
your persona l life is about to blossom w it h sur prising
possibilities. And because these moons are shining high
in the sky for all to see, I also think this dream is predict-
ing that you’ll soon take on a leadership role, as you allow
both your strength and sensitivity to inspire others.”

DREAM:“My dad passed away years ago, and
I’m so grateful he often visits my dreams. But I’m
curious as to why, in each one of them, he’s carry-
ing a suitcase. These dreams aren’t about traveling,
so I can’t figure it out!”—Doris Ortiz, Coalville, UT

WHAT IT’S TELLING YOU:“I believe these dreams are
your dad’s way of letting you know that he’s still very
much w it h you. Perhaps he’s tr y ing to tel l you t hat we
can carry the love and precious memories we’ve shared
from our life toget her here on Ear t h to whatever spiri-
tual plane we travel to next. While luggage sometimes
symbolizes emotional baggage, like heartache, my
hunch is t hat in t his case, your drea ms are encouraging
you to drop any such burden and travel with a lighter
heart along your path in life and to hold on to the truly
special bond you will always have with your father.”

Take a moment to notice which photo you’re drawn to
the most—the one you choose resonates the strongest
with your subconscious. Then read the analysis of the
dream that goes with that image to reveal useful insight.

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