8/26/19 First for women 107
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“I hugged a man in church”
DREAM: “I dreamed I got the most comforting,
protective hug from a man I barely know from my
church. The emotion of this dream has stayed with
me for weeks, and when I think of it, it makes me
feel so hopeful.” —Liz Herman, Bronx, NY
WHAT IT’S TELLING YOU:“When we hug someone in
our dreams, we’re connecting with the qualities we see
in them. And because this special embrace happened in
your place of worship, it ta kes on an even more profound
meaning, as if you’ve been hugged by t he church itself.
In fact, this dream is a reminder that you’re never alone,
even when you think you are. When we feel separate
from our higher purpose, we tend to ma ke fear-based
choices that derail us from our goals. But when we’re
connected with our spirituality, we become our best
selves. Ultimately, your dream is telling you that what-
ever challenges you face, you’re going to be fine, thanks
to your ability to embrace your spiritual strength.”
DREAM:“I had a beautiful Siamese cat who ran
away about a year ago. I often dream he’s curled up
with me on my bed. I hope these dreams are my kit-
ty’s way of letting me know he’s okay. What do you
think they mean?”—Joanne Leiden, Sacramento, CA
WHAT IT’S TELLING YOU:“Dreaming of your cat not
only ref lects t he strong bond you shared w it h him, it’s
also his way of comforting you and letting you know
that wherever he is, he’ll never be far from your heart.
In fact, when he curls up with you in your dreams, he’s
encouraging you to put your worries to ‘bed.’ Indeed, I
believe if he could talk, he’d urge you to remember that
neither time nor distance can erase your connection.
And since felines epitomize grace, your dreams are also
mirroring this quality in you, as you begin to move on
from your loss uplif ted by warm, priceless memories.”
Find the dream that rings a bell for you,
then read on to tap into the transformative
power of your subconscious
“My lost kitty came home!”
of your dreams
Kelly Sullivan Walden has
been analyzing dreams for
20 years and is the author
of seven bestselling dream
books and two oracle card
decks, including her latest,
The Hero’s Journey Dream
Oracle. If you’d like Kelly
to decode your dream, email her at Kelly @
KellySullivanWalden.com or http://www.Facebook.
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