First for Women – August 26, 2019

(Nandana) #1
“Ever y year in late sum -
mer, my hair appears dull
and straw-like,” says Lauren
Gatcombe, FIRST senior
editor. “To get shiny, lus-
trous locks—like Christie
Brinkley’s—I started doing
a weekly apple cider vinegar
‘wash.’ Acetic acid in ACV dis-
solves product buildup and oil
that saps shine and weighs
down strands. I just saturate
my hair with a premade
rinse, then wash out after
3 minutes. My hair looked and
felt healthier after one use!”
ONE TO TRY: dpHUE Travel
Size Apple Cider Vinegar
Hair Rinse, $15,

Soft, shiny locks

“Release^ the^ joy^ that^ is^ in
side^ another,^ and^

you^ release^ the^ joy^ that^ is^
inside^ you”^

—Neale^ Donald^ Walsch

Phone-friendly: Snap a pic & share with a friend!

So-cute napkin cuffs
“Last weekend I was thinking of
ways to impress guests at our
upcoming dinner party,” says Patty
Bontekoe, FIRST executive editor.
“My easy idea: Welcome them with
personalized napkin cuffs! To make,
I wrapped a strip of paper around a
rolled napkin, punched a hole in the
paper and tied on a green ribbon.
Then I jotted on a name, slipped in
rosemary and cutlery and voilà!”

Crafting^ up (^) smiles
Salad lover’s best friend
Genius (^) find
“Salads are my go-to weekday lunch, but whenever I
pack the dressing, it leaks everywhere,” says Melissa
D’Agnese, FIRST senior editor. “To the rescue: this savvy
squeezable container holds just the right amount and it’s
leakproof!” (Dressing-2-Go, $4,
Look^ we (^) ❤
—Sara^ Ajna^

Free download pdf