First for Women – August 26, 2019

(Nandana) #1

92 First for women 8/26/19

“I clutched the phone, grinding my
teeth in frustration. ‘Mom, I don’t
mind taking you to the library, but
I really think you should just get a
Kindle,’ I sighed. ‘With your arthritic
hip and now needing a walker, you
can stay home and download books
whenever you want!’
“She gave me her standard
response to my suggestion: ‘Like
my mother always said, faster
doesn’t always mean better.’
“Thirty minutes later, we arrived
at the library, and as Mom slowly
hobbled her way in, the librarian

Old-fashioned joy

smiled and greeted her by name. I
watched as Mom went on to chat
with other patrons and browse
the books, commenting on their
wonderful scent. She even
stopped by the children’s area
to say hello to all the kids.
“By the time we drove
home hours later, we were
both beaming. As we shared
smiles, smelled old books
and laughed together, I real-
ized what she’d meant all
along: You can’t rush joy.”
—Elle Croft, 59, Laughlin, NV

bliss break

“‘I want to make a wish, Nana,’ my 5-year-old
granddaughter, Layla, begged as we approached
the fountain at the mall. ‘May I have a penny to
throw into the fountain?’
“Layla bounced with excitement as I dug
through my purse. But her face fell when I told
her, ‘I’m sorry, honey. I don’t have any change.’
“Suddenly, an elderly man, who had been sit-
ting nearby, reached into his pants pocket and
scattered a handful of coins along the rim of the
fountain. He met my curious gaze, winked, then
walked away.
“Stunned, I led Layla over where she squealed
with delight as she gathered up the pennies. ‘I get
to make lots of wishes after all!’ she exclaimed.
“As she squeezed her eyes shut and tossed each
penny in one by one, I made a heartfelt wish of my
own: May that sweet man’s kindness come back to
him tenfold!” —Bev Delgado, 54, Orlando, FL

A wish come true

4 stories that will

warm your heart

Country wisdom

Circle^ of kindness
Free download pdf