“My stomach growled violently.
I’d skipped dinner working over-
time again as I prepared to open
my own financial planning busi-
ness. At that moment, I realized I
was the only one left working —
possibly the only one left in
the pre-war building where we
rented office space—so I gath-
ered my purse to leave.
“But when I tried to open the
door, the darn thing stuck.
“‘Come on,’ I muttered, turn-
ing the knob back and forth,
pulling and tugging, wondering
if I’d somehow been locked in.
“Suddenly, I heard a loud
crash outside in the hallway.
What in the world? I wondered,
and the door instantly gave way,
springing open as if something
had been holding it shut.
“My breath caught in my
throat as I looked at the giant
heap of metal and glass lying
in the hallway. Looking up,
I saw a hole where the
heavy ornate chandelier
had once hung.
“Had the door opened
when I tried the first time,
I would have been right
under it! I realized with
a jolt. Just then, the jani-
tor, who’d also heard the
crash, rushed up and asked
if I was okay. Once I told
him I left my office right after
it fell, he sighed and broke into
a smile. ‘You’re one lucky lady,’
he said. I nodded, but deep in
my heart I knew it was more
than luck: I’d had divine help!”
—Liz Willows, 57, Philadelphia
“I was so thrilled about my new job at a realty
firm, but I cringed as I had my picture taken
for my photo ID badge. Don’t smile too big...
it makes your wrinkles come out, I told myself.
Stretch your chin up so the skin on your throat
doesn’t sag. Suddenly, a co-worker popped her
head in the door. ‘Say cheese!’ she quipped,
making a silly face. I broke into a genuine laugh.
“The next day, I got my badge and was
amazed at how pretty I looked. When I later
ran into the photographer, I thanked him for
the airbrushing that made me look so good.
“‘I didn’t enhance the photo at all,’ he
responded. ‘Your smile lit up the room!’
“Then it struck me. He snapped the winning
shot when I was laughing and not worrying
about my appearance. I was just being myself.
“After that, instead of trying to strike the per-
fect pose when having my photo taken, I tried
to feel happiness in my heart and let my inner
beauty shine. And without fail, I liked every
photo!” —Hannah Green, 63, Albany, NY
Send us YOUR story! Send to Bliss Break, First for Women, 270 Sylvan
Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, or email [email protected]
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Picture-perfect smile
Unexpected grace A timely delay
Inner^ strength