Ladybug – July 2019

(ff) #1

We have almost made it to the

Special Place. I show it to Micah

on the map. “When we get there,

you can’t make any noise at all,”

I say. “Fairies are shy. OK?”

Micah nods.

We climb to the top of a big

hill and kneel at the foot of an

old tree. Ferns sprout from the

tree’s elbows and moss blankets

the roots. Mom gives Phoebe a

treat for being quiet. Everyone

knows that it is very important

to be silent if you want to see

a fairy.

A path of bark leads us to the

Special Place, a tiny house in

the tree trunk’s hollow. Inside

we see a table made of sticks,

with four stools made of smooth

stones. But there are no fairies.

Micah groans so loudly that

even Phoebe jumps. If there

were any fairies, they are gone


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