Money Australia - August 2019

(Barré) #1






hen looking at the next three to five
years, the one certainty is that we are
facing a period of global uncertainty. In
this environment it is important for investors to
focus on a diversified asset allocation to protect
their portfolios from market shocks.
O ver recent mont h s Aust ra l ia n equ ities have
outperformed and it’s Citi’s view that dovish
noises from the Reserve Bank will support the
economy and market. However, we remain
underweight and we caution Citi’s wealth man-
agement clients to be selective when considering
investment opportunities in Australian equities.
There are often better opportunities in global
markets, including the US and UK. Currently,
Citi particularly likes the healthcare, materials,
energy and IT sectors in those markets.
If we do look at opportunities within Austral-
ian equities, Citi is most positive on the banking
and mining sectors.
Looking at banks – post the royal commission
and the federal election – we seem to be enter-
ing a period of more stability and certainty for

this sector. The recent Reserve Bank rate cuts,
coupled with an accommodative APRA policy,
may also mean the housing market could turn
around more quickly than expected.
As mortgages are a big part of the banks’
revenue share, this will drive their profitability.
Fu r t her more, low i nterest i n ter m deposits a nd
savings accounts may push investors to seek yield
through high-dividend-paying banking stocks.
The mining sector is another growth opportunity
for investors. The Australian dollar is sitting at
quite low levels, which makes our miners more
competitive in the global marketplace. Further
potential monetary and fiscal stimulus in China
to offset any negative impact of a trade war could
also mean more infrastructure spending and
demand for Australian resources.
T he m i n i ng sector is a lso a n option i nvestors
should consider for its sustainable dividend
payout ratio. Compared with other high-yielding
sectors, resources have more sustainable yields
due to their strong balance sheets, which is an
attractive quality in times of uncertainty.

Today’s market is characterised
by volatility between the US and
China, a slowdown in Europe
and over-reliance on central
banks. In this type of environ-
ment, interest rates are going
lower and lower, both globally
and locally. Unfortunately, this
means it can be hard to make
$10,000 work hard for you.
I would firstly suggest using
the money to pay off any debt
or, if you have one, putting
money in an offset account
to reduce your mortgage
payment and tax.
If this isn’t right for you, my
next suggestion is to consider
bonds. I think bonds are a for-
gotten, or at least poorly under-
stood, asset class in Australia.
For the most part local investors
only consider equities, property
or term deposits. However,
bonds are a valuable asset in
times of uncertainty and can act
as a “shelter” for your portfolio
while paying a regular income.
Furthermore, you may also
get a capital gain if the interest
rate continues to go down. With
term deposits paying 1%-2%,
corporate bonds will give you a
similar amount of security while
offering 3%-5% in income.
To prove how popular they’ve
been, at Citi we’ve seen our
bond volumes almost triple in
the past year as our investors
move to this asset class. In fact,
with rising global uncertainty
and expectations of further rate
cuts, Citi has seen more bond
transactions in 2019 than in
2017 and 2018 combined.

What sectors show the

most potential for growth

in Aussie equities over the

next three to five years?

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