National Geographic UK - July 2019

(Michael S) #1

What is the best way to challenge the

creativity of some of the world’s most

talented photographers - while at the same

time pushing a new smartphone to the

limits of its design specs?

The answer is to give three of these

individuals a OnePlus 7 Pro and unleash

them in numerous locales across the United

States so they can immortalize the theme –

Inspired by Nature.

Their brief was simple: to capture as much

of the rugged natural beauty of a rich and

unimaginably diverse continent – and how

people interact with it - as they could in

seven days.

With their creativity and imaginations

unleashed they journeyed forth to tell

the stories of their chosen regions.

Their treks ranged from cloud and

snow-capped mountains, to meadows


deserts, to warm tropical waters.

And so they fanned out from coast to coast:

the iconic American west for Australian

Krystle Wright, the wonders of California

for Andy Bardon and the Sunshine State for

Florida native Carlton Ward Jr.

All of the photographers succeeded in

capturing the distilled essence of America’s

geographical diversity and the delicate balance

between the natural and human environment.

Look out for the stunning 40-page

magazine available with the July edition

of National Geographic magazine.

Left: An aerial perspective of a coastal environment on the Northern California Coast. Photo credit Andy Bardon.

Above: Exposed mangrove roots in Biscayne Bay, Florida. Photo credit Carlton Ward Jr. All #ShotonOnePlus

This content was produced in partnership with OnePlus.



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