The Economist UK - 03.08.2019

(Martin Jones) #1

12 The EconomistAugust 3rd 2019

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Insuring for a healthy life
Your article on innovation in
insurance (“Run for cover”, July
20th) did not touch on a funda-
mental transformation that is
taking place across the life-,
health- and motor-insurance
markets, namely incentivising
customers to be healthier and
to make better choices. This
acknowledges that the nature
and treatment of risk has
shifted, from pre-existing risk
to risk driven by behavioural
factors. Some 60% of mortality
and 80% of the global disease
burden are a function of just
four lifestyle choices—lack of
exercise, poor nutrition, smok-
ing and alcohol abuse—which
lead to major non-communi-
cable diseases.
This new approach to risk
allows companies to share the
gains resulting from healthier
choices with their customers,
by funding valuable incentives
and lowering premiums, creat-
ing a shared-value loop. It has
also created a more profound
role for insurers: not only
providing protection against
adverse events, but helping
make society healthier.
adrian gore
Group chief executive
Discovery Vitality

Insurance companies are
indeed clueless about the most
recent advances in climate and
weather modelling, even
though the risks they cover are
“becoming more severe and
unpredictable.” But because
insurers usually offer short-
term contracts this problem is
of only minor importance to
their business at this point. It
does pose more complex chal-
lenges for governments, prop-
erty owners and lenders, who
are in it for the long-term.
You also lauded the
innovation of “parametric
insurance”, where polices pay
out when clearly defined
parameters, such as rainfall
threshold, are reached. But the
evidence suggests that when
insurers tried to sell these
parametric products (initially
for crops in low-income coun-
tries), the take-up was very low,
even when premiums were

subsidised. Still too often,
parametric insurance is akin to
a lottery ticket, as basis risk—
the lack of correspondence
between the parametric trigger
and experienced damage—is
high. Risk modelling needs to
improve before many of these
products should be sold.
ilan noy
Chair in the economics
of disasters
Victoria University of
Wellington, New Zealand

A giant in computing
Alan Turing did not build
Colossus, an electronic digital
computer that made a big
contribution to breaking the
German Lorenz cipher in the
second world war (“Due credit”,
July 20th). That acclaim should
go to Tommy Flowers. He got
no public recognition at the
time and has had precious
little since. Flowers was born
to a working-class family in
Poplar, a poor part of east
London. He was educated
through an apprenticeship and
by taking night classes at the
University of London. He
deserves to be remembered for
his achievement.
donald neal
Hamilton, New Zealand

Colombia’s cocaine problem
“Blow up” (July 6th) reported
on Colombia’s expanded coca
cultivation and the govern-
ment’s poor options for dealing
with it. This illustrates only too
clearly the curse that the un
drug conventions and their
enforcement by America in its
war on drugs have cast upon
the country. There is a case that
Colombia’s guerrilla move-
ments would have made peace
in the early 1990s had it not
been for the cocaine revenues
that gave the farcample
means to carry on. Now, ironi-
cally, a surge in coca cultiva-
tion, that is in part a perverse
result of that peace process, is
fuelling a recrudescence of
violence in the coca-growing
areas that the farcabandoned.
Other countries should give
Colombia time to reduce pro-
duction and support its efforts

in tracing assets and disrupt-
ing flows of cash, cocaine and
precursor chemicals, which
can be just as effective as crop
eradication. In Bogotá there are
concerns that American impa-
tience might lead the adminis-
tration to decertify Colombia
for its slow progress. This was
tried in the mid-1990s. It suc-
ceeded in getting Colombia to
reintroduce extradition but
also contributed to a dramatic
increase in coca cultivation
and paramilitary violence.
There could not be a worse
time for a repetition of that,
with the peace process at such
a delicate stage. And Colombia
is America’s key ally in dealing
with the Venezuelan crisis.
sir keith morris
British Ambassador to
Colombia, 1990-

Planning for the future
Scenarios should radically
challenge conventional think-
ing, rather than just sound
crazy, as the leader accompa-
nying The World If suggests
(“Navigating the rapids”, July
6th). At the Oxford Scenarios
Programme, we argue that the
value of scenarios lies in the
actions taken as a consequence
of thinking through a small set
of alternative possible futures,
which cannot be dismissed as
crazy, and instead have
sufficient connection with
reality to pose credible
challenges to current thinking.
What may appear crazy to one
member of a team is reason-
able to another. What matters
is making sense of the
apparent strangeness or
incompatibility of contrasting
and different perspectives to
help leaders navigate
Good scenarios are thus
honed for a specific user, use,
and purpose. Rigorous theory
and method guide the use of
these scenarios and help
executives go beyond respond-
ing to things haphazardly.
rafael ramirez
cho khong
trudi lang
cynthia selin
Oxford Scenarios Programme

Thanks for the annual summer
brain exercises in The World If.
Reading about future fore-
casting reminds me of Isaac
Asimov’s early novel,
“Foundation”, in which a
mathematician discovers the
future. A lesson can be derived
from this book: the mathema-
tician refuses to share his
findings because by doing so it
would modify, and potentially
annihilate, his predictions.
In other words, by sharing a
handful of speculative scenari-
os, you may have changed the
course of history.
christophe cauvy

The future is not always conve-
niently packaged. Around 1990
Bell Laboratories conducted a
survey among its most
insightful prognosticators
regarding the most significant
communications technologies
that would lead us into the
millennium. isdnmade the
list; the internet did not. As
Yogi Berra (may have) said, it’s
tough to make predictions,
especially about the future.
hans mattes
Petaluma, California

The at-odds couple
The parents of the students
who refused to take Trump
supporters as roommates
should be asking for their
tuition back (“Strange bed-
fellows”, July 20th). The core
skill of an educated person is to
be able to listen to an opposing
view, engage with it, find com-
mon ground if possible, learn
from it and respect it. By reject-
ing Trump supporters, these
students mimic his behaviour
by gleefully rejecting anyone
who disagrees with them.
My second thought after
reading the article, is where
can I find an apartment for
$625 a month?
peggy troupin
New York
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