The Overall Runner Up entry was another outstanding piece
of work and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen so many rosettes
awarded to one quilt! The judging for both pieces must have
been very close. ‘Exquisite Corpse 0.2: Parrot vs Armadillo’
by Pascale Michalski also came fi rst place in the Small Wall
Hanging category and was awarded the awards for Art Quilt,
Fabric Painting/Hand Dyeing and the Beginner Quilter award;
a talent to watch in the future for sure. The quilt was also
Maggie Davies’ Judge’s Choice. It combined silk painting, raw
edge appliqué and free motion quilting.
The organisers of the show, Grosvenor Shows, had
reintroduced the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced/
Professional Quilter awards at the show. The Intermediate
award was given to Mike and Greta Fitchett for their quilt,
'Wong Tai Sin'. The Advanced/Professional Quilter prize was
awarded to Lilian Harris for ‘Sahara Sunset’.
Returning to the main categories of the show, the Theme this
year was ‘Refl ections’ and this produced a lovely collection of
quilts. Many took the title literally but there were several that
considered the theme more laterally refl ecting on life. First
place went to Mike and Greta Fitchett for ‘Wong Tai Sin’,
which featured a design inspired by vintage travel posters
of the view over the lake in the Goodwish Garden in Hong
Kong. Second place went to ‘Refl ections on Family Life’ by
Sarah Ash who also picked up the third place with ‘Sunrise
Walk: Time for Refl ection’. Both pieces featured sea scenes
near where Sarah lives and were delightful quilts I’d happily
hang on my walls. Both quilts also received Judge’s Choice
awards; ‘Refl ections on Family Life’ from Lee Brown and
‘Sunrise Walk: Time for Refl ection’ from Kim Shaw.
I’m going to start from the smallest quilts this time and the
Miniature Quilt category mainly because the winning quilt
was my favourite entry at the show. This stunning piece of
work, ‘Sahara Sunset’ by Lilian Harris, was a digitised design
which was machine embroidered onto two layers of fabric.
The edges were cut back and embellished with beads. Just
wonderful. Second place went to Julia Gahagan for her
‘Baltimore Album’ miniature and third place was awarded to
Gill Cannon for ‘Cornish Harbour’.
Left: ‘Ahmran Eala’,
Sandie Lush. Second
place Bed Quilts,
Wholecloth Quilt
award. Below: Detail,
‘Ahmran Eala’.
Above: ‘Gravity –
The Constellations’,
Ferret. Left:
‘Graffiti Wall’,
Quilt Pals. Second
place Group Quilts,
Far left: ‘Stress x 7’,
Pinewood Quilters.
First place Group